Chapter 11

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Tori's P.O.V.

I woke up to find my head on Jay's chest, with his arms around me. I stretched and got into a sitting position to watch him sleep. He looked so peaceful. He was smiling. That made me happy. As I watched him, I began to think of what Siva said yesterday, about how he met Chelsea...

The Day Before

Siva's P.O.V.

I was watching how happy Nath and Jay looked with Emma and Tori. They looked happier than they've been in a long time.

'Hey, Siva, tell them how you met Chelsea!' Max said, trying to remove the attention from himself and Emma.

'Yeah, sure. I actually have to thank Tori for that'

'What? Why do you have to thank me?'

'Because if it hadn't have been for one of your pranks, I would never have met Chelsea' I replied, pulling Chelsea closer as I spoke.

'I still don't think that was very funny Tori' Chelsea said.

'WHAT WASN'T VERY FUNNY? I'm so confused!' 'Relax!' Jay said.

She immediately calmed down. Wow.

'Well, as I was saying. It was my first time in London, and I was on assignment at a magazine shoot. As you know, I used to be a model'

'Yeah, we know mister photo bomber, now get on with the story!' Nath said with a massive grin on his face.

'Okay, well, I was getting ready, when the cutest person walked in and said "is this were I've to strip?'

'Oh my god! I remember you now! Hahahahaha, aw that was so funny' Tori said, laughing so hard that shewas starting to tear up.

'No it was not!' Chelsea said.

'Calm down!' I said, and pulled her in for a hug.

'As I was saying, little did I know that she was the make-up artist who was supposed to be helping me get ready for the shoot, and her cousin convinced her that she had to go into my room and strip. Little did anyone know that I thought she was really cute, and I asked her out. She said yes, gave me her number and walked out. I could hear her shouting at Tori down the hall, and Tori laughing her head off!'

Just like she was laughing now. Despite herself, Chelsea joined in. Probably mored because of how funny Tori looked caught between Jay and Tom, whilst trying not to fall over with sheer laughter.

Chelsea's P.O.V.

Although I was still kinda angry at Tori, I couldn't help but laugh when she fell over and looked around with a look of bewilderment on her face. It was the funniest thing I'd ever seen! Thankfully, Tori just took everyone laughing at her on the chin an ran over to hug me.

'I'm sorry Chelsea, I was just a kid, but it was funny!'

'Yeah, I know'

I can't believe I hadn't seen her in three months! I didn't realise how much I missed her carefreeness, and her ability to accept anyone and just laugh. I missed Emma too, and her ability to make others laugh at the most random thing! I missed them both, and how when together they were the biggest pranksters around! I was so happy that Jay and Nath met them that day in Starbucks.

'Hey, I was a part of that prank too!' Emma said, jumping up and coming over to join in the hug.

'I remember' I growled.

'I'm sorry too Chelsea, I promise I won't pull that prank again'

'Me too'

'Scouts honour' they both said.

Their serious faces made me laugh even harder. They fell about laughing too. It took us a while to realise that everyone was watching us. We all giggled and sat back down.

'So, anyone else got a story?' Emma asked.

'Another time, lets eat first' Tom said, being the sensible one for once!

The morning after

Emma's P.O.V.


'Yeah?' she called from the kitchen.

I walked in to find her eating some cereal.

'I was just thinking how much I've missed Chelsea'

'Me too actually!'

We laughed for a second before the boys came in, talking about a football game.

'BORING!' I said, making Tori laugh.

'Well, what do you girls want to do today?' Nath said, trying to change the subject.

'Well, I don't know about you Emma, but I think we should go rehears that dance for the juniors'

'What juniors?' Jay said, stealing some of Tori's cereal.



'Shut up you two!'

They held each others mouths closed.

'Oh, yeah, VERY mature!' I said.

'Well, what juniors?' Nath said

. 'Well, me and Tori help out at a local youth centre and teach them dance moves'

'That sounds cool, mind if we tag along?' Jay mumbled, as Toris hand was still covering his mouth.

'Yeah, sure!' Tori mumbled.

God, this was going to get annoying fast. Reading my mind, Nath pulled their hands off their mouths and said 'only if you Behave!'

'Aw, but daddy!' Tori said jokingly.

'Enough of the daddy, lets go get ready' he said, pulling me into the room....

Tori's P.O.V.

'Haha, I think we should go get ready too' I said, pulling Jay into the room.

'Hey, I wasn't finished eating your breakfast!

' I was about to tease him when I hear Emma say 'Nath, stop, we've...we've....oh hell!'......

'So much for getting ready!' I said, as Jay pulled me in close and started nuzzling my neck. Oh well, I guess practise can wait!

HAA!! xx

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