Chapter 30 -The End My Friend

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A/N: Just really quickly, I keep changing my mind, so I put it to you guys. How should I do it after I finish this book

1) One Shots for each character, a year on

2) A sequel, a year on again, but with some MAYJA drama.

3) A sequel, of The Wanted on tour, with Lawson, with Conor and Cel popping up.

Your choice! You have til 15/08/2012 to tell me. I'll be editing ths story after this, so :(.

Hope you enjoy this chapter, as it is a VERY emotional thing for me to end this.

I love you all!!

This chapter isn't going to be in anyone's P.O.V. Its more like a general observation.

* One Week Later *

The gang were gathering for the last time for about a year. The Wanted and Lawson boys were going on tour, and then The Wanted were going to take over the world!

Conor was releasing his debut album, and Cel was working reall hard on Friday Download, and he had a new project!

The girls were all going on to there own stuff too, but Tori and Chelsea thought that the gang should get together one last time, because a year is an awfully long time.

'Are we there yet?' Ryan moaned from the back seat of the seven seater, which had the Lawson boys and their girlfriends in it.

'Yes' Adam said, who was driving.


'NO!' the entire car yelled. It wouldn't have been so bad, if Ryan hadn't been asking since they got into the car. 

 They'd been driving for three hours.

'Oh lok, there it is!' Megan yelled.



'Okay, okay!'

They all got out and Adam knocked on the door of the house. When the door opened, they were greeted by Tom, holding little Yvon.

'Hey guys, c'mon in!' Tom said, as they all awed at Yvon. She really was just the cutest little thing.

As they all walked inot the sitting room, they heard Tori and Jay coming down the stairs.



'I swear, they get weirder and weirder by the day' Max said, as they all sat down.

'How long has that been going on for?' Andy asked.

'About an hour' Nathan answered, as everyone else fell about laughing.

Tori just fell down the stairs, making Jay forget all about the skittles.

'Oh my god, Tori, are you okay?'

'Yeah sweetheart, but I think I need to sit down before I fall over again'

Jay picked her up and pulled her onto a chair with him. He wrapped his arms around her waist as she leaned against him and he put his head on her shoulder. Nathan and Ems were in the same position beside them, with Siva and Chelsea on the floor, Chelsea in between Seevs legs (A/N: haha couldn't help myself).

Ryan and Mollie were sitting beside Andy and Ana, laughing about the faces Max was pulling across from them. Max was sitting amusing Yvon, while Emma and Aisling laughed. Tom was leaning on Aisling's legs, whilst sitting on the floor.

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