Chapter 20 - The Holiday begins

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Jay's P.O.V.

Thank god she's okay. We brought her home yesterday, and she's asleep now. I'm just lying here, watching her sleep.

'Stop watching me and go eat' 

'How did you know?'

'I could feel you watching me. I'm fine, now please go eat and feed Tia or something' I still can't believe she insisted on bringing Tia. Everyone was admadant that she was to stay home with my brother Tom, but she just said 'she is a part of the family too. She is coming, and she will stay in mine and Jay's room, so keep your knickers on' I loved her for that. The way she treats Tia like a daughter.

I went over and fed Tia, singing to her as I did. I felt a pair of arms entwine themselves around my torso. I knew it was Tori, as she yawned. That and she was the only other person in the room.

'Haha, hey sleepyhead' I laughed, as I pulled her round to face me. She held on tighter when I finished.

'Yeah Curlsalot' she mumbled 'hey Tia babe, I'm sorry I haven't been here to sing to you with Jay, although as we know he is better at it' I shook my head.

'No, you have an amazing voice, doesn't she Tia?'

'WILL YOU GUYS STOP TALKING TO THE LIZARD ALREADY?!' we heard Tom shout. I guess he was next door. I looked at the clock. It was three in the morning.

'C'mon babe, lets go to bed' Tori said, as she pulled me to the bed. When I froze, she jumped up into my arms and kissed me. After that, we didn't do so much talking.....

That Morning 11am

Kerys P.O.V.

I walked down the stairs to find Conor and Nathan playing computer games, and Ems sitting eating some cereal. I got myself some and sat beside her. 

'Did you hear Jay and Tori last night?' Ems asked me.

'We couldn't hear them over you two' Conor said. Nath paused the game and punched his arm.

'We couldn't hear much between you and Kerys!' Nath said, which made Conor punch his arm. They both walked over to us with puppydog expressions. I pulled Conor in for a hug, whilst Ems dragged Nath upstairs. Well, I say drag, but it was more like she winked and they ran up there. Crazy pair of lovebirds.

'Thats not a bad idea' Conor said, before he picked me up bridal style and carried me up the stairs.

'Ooooo, cheeky!' I giggled, as we went up the stairs.

Emma's P.O.V.

I woke up to find Max playing with my hair in his sleep. I just watched him, because he was so beautiful. He has helped me through a lot. We've been friends forever, but I guess love just kind of showed up! As I watched him, he opened his eyes.

'Hey beautiful' he said in his morning voice. Wow, how can a morning voice drive someone so crazy?

'Hey babe, good sleep?'

'Better knowing that your here' I felt a lump in my throat at that. I don't know hwy, but everytime he said something sweet ot me I got really emotional. 

I was about to thank him when I heard a massive thump. Someone was knocking at the door, but who?

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