Chapter 17

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*This chapter is for the boys thoughts really

The Same Day

Nathan's P.O.V.

'Hello, this is your captain speaking, we will be landing soon, so I'd ask you all to please put on your seatbelts until we have safely landed. Thank you' I looked beside to find Ems asleep on my shoulder. She was tuckered out after that moth attack. Some of the things she was shouting had the whole plane in hysterics. She really freaked out. I don't blame her, that thing was HUGE! I tried to put her seatbelt on without waking her, only for Tom to see and point it out, rather loudly, to the whole plane.

'Hey look! NATH'S TRYING TO GET IN EMMA'S PANTS! ISN'T SHE THE CHEEKY ONE?' he shouted. He shut up real fast though when Aisling hit him.

'He's trying to buckle her seatbelt you pillock!' Kerys said, as she made her way back to her seat. 

'I can do that myself' Emma mumbled, as she buckled her seatbelt. She grabbed my hand and said 'thanks though'


'Oh get a RO- ouch, god damn it Aisling, stop hitting me!'

'Not until you behave'

'Whats going on?' Tori muttered sleepily.

Jay's P.O.V.

Aw man, why'd they have to wake her up? She was so peaceful! I was about to complain when she grabbed my hand and whispered 's'kay, I wasn't sleeping that heavily' That made me feel better.

'Nath's being a perv' Tom said. 

'Tom's being an idiot' Nath said. 

'I agree' Aisling and Ems said together. We all laughed as Tom took a huff. Aisling started trying to make him feel better, and Ems went back to sleep on Nath's shoulder. I still can't believe the kid got a girl. A hot girl too. I looked at Tori to find her watching me with a thoughtful expression.

'What'cha thinking about?' I asked her.

'Oh, just how Nath managed to get himself a girl' she said

'Funny, I was thinking that to!' 

'I heard that!' Nath said from infront of us. His upset tone made us fall into fits of giggles. I was nearly alright til I looked at Tori, and her expression of sheer bewilderment at how she hit her head send me over the line. I couldn't stop laughing, which only made herlaugh harder.

'You guys alright?' Max said from behind us. We couldn't stop laughing long enough to answer him.

'I think they find each other very amusing' Emma said, as Max was getting up to check on us. 

'Oh, kay' was the last thing I heard anyone say. 

Max's P.O.V.

'They really are finding the joke funny, aren't they?' I said.

'I don't think its about the joke anymore. I think they're laughing at each other's expressions' Emma said. Made sense. I gave up wondering and went back to watching a movie with Emma. This flight had been reasonably quiet, so we had some peace to watch it. Emma was in high spirits, as this was her first holiday abroad. I was so happy that we all got to go on this holiday together, but she was elated. This holiday is going to be wicked!

Tom's P.O.V.

I was still kinda upset about before, but I wasn't going to let Aisling see. She was so tired, and I didn't want to upset her.

'Babe, its okay, we did gang up on you'

'Just a little' I teased, showing her that it was all good. She reached up and kissed me.

'Thomas Anthony Parker, I don't think I'll ever be able to keep up with you' she whispered.

'Yes you can, you always know what I'm thinking' She just nodded and dozed on my shoulder. I sat and thoghut about the mansion. It had been years since I'd been there, the last time being when Dad, uncle Martin (Chelsea's Dad) and Aunty Steph all fell out with Uncle Kev. I don't remember why exactly, but I know it had something to do with Tori and Chelsea, cause they were constantly brought up in the arguement. They were too young to remember, but it was a rough one. I had to pull them to the farthest rooma away from it all, so they wouldn't hear. Although they're my cousins, I've always felt like they were my sisters, and that's the way I treat them. Like sisters. I always wondered why they were so alike though. Almost as if they were actually sisters. Stop that Tom, they can't be. It was impossible. Best not to dwell on the past.

Siva's P.O.V.

As I watched Chelsea sleep, I couldn't help but think as to why her and Tori were so alike. Sure,they bore a familial resemblance, but this was more than that. It was almost as if her, Tori adn Ems were sisters. I shook off that thought, knowing it couldn't be true.Stop, I told myself, your making stuff up now.

All The Boys P.O.V.

Well, whatever happens, I have a weird feeling this holiday is going to be life changing.

Unknown's P.O.V.

Yes, things are about to come crashing down on their happiness. Their whole world will be truned upside down, never to be the same again!


*OHHHH! So are they sisters? And who is this mysterious person, filled with anger and jealousy?


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