Chapter 21 - The Truth Comes Out

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*Author's Note: Sorry for the wait, but it took me a while to get this right :P

Tom's P.O.V.

'Uncle Kev?' Tori said, walking up behind me, to see who was at the door.

'Yes sweetheart. Are Ems and Chelsea here?'

'Yeah, but why?' I asked, really curious now.

'I'll tell you once everyone is together' 

I just nodded and got everyone into the sitting room. Once they were all there, Uncle Kev started.

'Okay, so there is something that your parents have been keeping form you Ems, Tori, Tom and Chelsea.  You see, you are all siblings. Ems and Tori, you are twins'

'WHAT?!' Ems said.

'How is that possible? I've only known Ems since, since, well, since we were kids' Tori said. Chelsea just sat there looking confused.

'You see, Ems and Tori were meant to be going to your Uncle David, but him and his wife pulled out, so between us, we got Ems adopted to a friend, and Tori went to live with my sister. Tom stayed with his parents, and Chelsea came to live with me'

'But Dad, why didn't you tell us before?' Chelsea said, tears in her eyes.

'I wasn't allowed to hurt you. I knew it was wrong to keep it from you, when you were all so close, but everyone else felt that it was in your best interest. I decded to wait until you were adults to tell you, because then you would uncerstand why they didn't want you to know'

'So, let me get this right. MY mum and dad are Ems, Tori and Chelsea's parents? That I'm their older brother, and that I'm not an only child?' I didn't realise that I had stood up until I felt Aisling trying to pull me back down. Why was I so angry? Even weirder, I wasn't surprised. Did I know the whole time?

'Right, so really nothing changes' Tori said.

'What?!' I said, not sure if I heard her right.

'Look, you have always been our protective older brother, and me Chels and Ems have always been closer than close. So really, nothing changes, except the fact that we are now actually borther and sisters'

She has a point. I have always been the proective brother. Guess she's right. No one seemed to notice Kevin leave, except Chels, who just watched him go.

Chelsea's P.O.V.

I can't believe the man I thought was my father just told that he isn't, and that I'm not an only child. Well, I suppose I better go hug everyone, as it is an occasion. Of sorts.

'You okay babe?' Siva whispers in my ear.

'Yeah, just shocked'

'I'm not surprised' he rubbed my arms, and pulled me infor a hug. I felt better already.

'Okay, lets get on with this'

'You sure?'

'Yeah, I am'

I got up and walked over to Ems, who was freaking out a little.

Ems' P.O.V.

'I don't even look like you!' I said to Tori.

'Yeah, you kinda do' Tom replied, as he pulled me up and hugged me.


'Chill babe, it'll be fine! You always wanted a brother or a sister, and now you've got two sisters and a brother!' Nathan said, smiling at me.

He was right, I did. But not like this. I wanted it the way it normally happens. This was just to surreal.

'Ah, babe, we were already sisters. This just makes it official!' Tori said, running up to hug me. Chels ran over and joined in. I guess I never thought of it like that. 

'Yeah, sisters forever. With our awesome older brother' I said, smiling now, because this is actually perfect. I couldn't ask for better siblings.

'Right c'mon, its PARTY TIME!' Megan said. I really love that girl.

Author's Note:

Omg, I thought that would be longer.

Look, I'm thinking that if I give this another couple of chapters to end the holiday, and then finish and start the sequel?

Please tell me what you think, as your feedback is basically what I'm going to base my judgement on.

Thank you, and I hope you really like this chapter.

Oh, I couldn't find it, but the song for the chapter is  Say It On The Radio xx

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