|Chapter 3|

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"What is it?" Dalton asked as I hung up my iPhone and held it firmly in my grip. "Our vacation is being cut short, we need on the next flight out of Bali and back to US." I said getting up ignoring the food and the sleep in me.

I went over to my dresser and pulled out some clothes. A Harley Quinn shirt and a pair of leather pants before heading to the bathroom. 'You need to tell him as soon as you are done getting dressed.' 'I will, just give me a moment.'

I tore off my pajamas before putting on all my clothes and heading out to Dalton getting dressed. I laced my shoes that Dalton bought me for my eighteen birthday last year. They were a pair of knee high combat boots made of leather and I had gotten quite attached to them.

"Can you tell me what is wrong that we have to cancel our vacation?" Dalton asked moving some hair from my face. 'I have no idea how he is going to take this. I feel like a storm inside.' 'Well Dalton has control of himself more than anything.'

"Some supernatural found out that I was an immortal."

I could feel Dalton's gaze on my back as I turned around and met my gaze. "How?" Dalton asked. "Lucas didn't say much just that your mother had her private jet ready." I told him. They bought a private jet when we started traveling.

When everyone started traveling. 'More of for no one had to wait or a plane be hijacked and things like that.' I bit my lip as Dalton continued getting dressed remembering off the people who tried to kill me for being Satan's vessel. Mostly Christians and the occasional rogue. Some hunters and certain demons.

With power comes consequences. I knew that well. Satan's power wasn't easy to master. It took me years to master my power that was given by Satan. Now I had a new set of powers. Sickness became a thing of the past with being an immortal.

But we knew nothing about immortals beside stories. The enforcers of the supernatural world. Immortals were the boogeyman of the immortals. Meant to keep the kids in order like fairy tales did I the old age. They were told here and there, but morphed so much. No one knows what happened to them.

'There is a story though.' 'I know.' Orchid spoke of it. Three immortal brothers. Michael, Lucian, and Damian. Lucian who upset a god and in response was attacked by a wolf and started the werewolf race. Damian who offended a demon and was attacked by bats and died before being resurrected.

One of the legends. 'Yes and Michael became the immortal which was the last recorded immortal of stories before the stories stopped there.' 'Do you know the demon that did it?' 'Isabella they are legends amongst as well. Even demons can be terrified of the concept of an immortal.'

And now I was the first immortal to be born in centuries and Orchid was pretty sure those two started those species. But the only person who could even have answers was in a coma and we could not go to him. Storm needed to get out the coma as fast as possible.

He had all the time to recover, but before I didn't care how long it took. As long as he recovered fine, but now. He was the one who held the answers to my question. Usually Satan did, but not even he did. Neither did Death even though he knew so much.

'Nearly as much as god. I am a little ticked off that he knew you were going to 'die' and never said anything.' 'Destiny, if he interferes it may of never happened to me and he said it was suppose to happen. And he doesn't recall much. I hate god sometimes.'

Satan nodded in agreement. God gave those powers to Death, but never let him recall things all the times. Death knew things that most didn't. But like always his powers came with limits. He tried to help at a meeting called and couldn't recall much except immortals had to die to become an immortal.

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