|Chapter 4|

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"So how was Bali?" Nico asked as we stood in the Valentine's section of Walmart of Valentine's day. "It was good, Isabella was actually at peace. We went horseback riding on a beach. It was peaceful." I told Nico grabbing two Whitman's bar of chocolate.

We had a cart full of Valentine's things as we bought everything on Valentine's day including some baskets. Our mom trusted us to do that. I twisted the ends of my shirt as Nico put in a stuffed animal. We arrived in New York on Valentine's day.

Then we drove off to Greenburg. I was in a blue button-up shirt, velvet trousers and a pair of high top converse sneakers and a leather jacket. 'And we are going to go see Isabella after this after we give Kadan a call and tell him we are here.' I nodded in agreement.

"Do you know who found out Isabella was you know what?" I asked looking around taking in the scents. "I heard some talking, but they agreed to have a conversation about it at our house tomorrow." Nico said and I nodded at that. 'I want to know so we can control this problem.' I wanted it controlled as well.

So it didn't get out and we were all put in danger because of that. That was the last thing we needed. We had a year of peace, but right now it seemed to have ended with this supernatural.

After The First's defeat who was an ancient hellhound named Pexhar. Pexhar had hidden himself well by helping Isabella when in truth he had been the one attacking her. He believed what he was doing was loyalty. 'Yes allies into enemies and enemies into allies.' Garrick was what Ash was talking about.

The hellhound who had attacked Isabella who in response to The First's fall pledged loyalty to Isabella. And has remained loyal quite often as it worked in his advantage. Made him powerful. 'He has some faults, he works for his advantage. His lines are blurred that's all. He never actually hurt Isabella more of tested and fought back when she fought back.'

He had killed a few forsaken who had attacked Isabella. And brought a trespassing rogue to us. And was always supervised by until he was out of his probation. I looked at a stuffed animal, it was a black wolf with red eyes reminding me of Maryse.

I grabbed it to give to Isabella as we continued through before heading to the check-out. "Valentine's day is going alright, mom has some delicious food ready and some candles lit to make it appear good for the mates." Nico said. Rodney had found his mate as well.

Her name was Freya. She was nice. 'A werewolf, I feel bad for her. She had a boyfriend who cheated on her and she was so sweet and tried her best with Rodney who helped her with his heartbreak. And broke the male werewolf's jaw without Freya even knowing.'

So we had Angel, Freya, Love, Orchid and Isabella so far. All marked except Isabella as I didn't know exactly how to go about that. Isabella wasn't very opposed to our relationship, but I didn't have any desire to go about marking her yet. 'Because you are terrified of going it. And I don't blame you. Those looks Ryne gives.'

Yeah. And I'm not sure how Isabella would feel it. Even Lyric was marked. Her shoulder blade had three blood red claw marks that literally look like tattoos. And her parents think it was a tattoo. Not a werewolves mark that claimed her as theirs.

Eventually I'd mark Isabella. Might take another two years like it did courting Isabella. But it'd be worth it. Nico and I bought all the items and we both paid before going out to my pick-up truck. "This is a nice car." Nico said as we loaded the back of the truck in the seats.

It was a five seat as well. 'It is and not made of metal that folds, not as fast as our Lamborghini, but still good.' I nodded. And more roomy of course. Isabella's motorcycle had been taken out once we arrived in Greenburg and she insisted on riding it.

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