|Chapter 20|

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I hated being kept in the dark. Not knowing what was going on and not being able to help. It really irritated me and had a way to get underneath my skin. Since I was in college I couldn't help with the vampire situation.

I just couldn't. My father and mother told me I should be focusing on college not what was happening with the vampires. 'But everything says we should help them. They want something to do with our mate and want her to be a lab rat which is not going to happen.'

I wanted to help, but my father used the alpha tone with me. I may be the next alpha, but respect came with being an alpha and if you didn't have respect you wouldn't make the best alpha. You couldn't just believe you were the ultimate alpha of all time.

And you have to respect your elders. 'Especially your parents or next thing you know you aren't the alpha anymore.' 'We've always respected dad, but right now I want to go there and help.' But we had to respect our dad's wishes so here we were respecting them.

More of running off our aggression in the woods. We had come to the forest and was now waiting for the other wolves to arrive and run with me. Pretty much all of them were coming minus Derik, Isabella, and Orchid as they didn't shift and Derik wanted to be with Lyric which I didn't mind.

But the rest of them were coming. 'Now we just have to wait for them to show up and then we can run like a pack. Like the size of a regular wolf pack in the woods that has been sectioned off for the pure purpose of us running around.' I nodded.

The snow was still plump and fresh, but not as much as spring was coming now so the snow would be melting as April was in two days now. Two days until Isabella's birthday to be correct. She wasn't having any party just hanging out at her dorm and in college.

Of course I'd have to buy her something for her birthday. She was turning nineteen. It was nice, I was nineteen last year and was now twenty no longer a teenager. Next December I'd be upon drinking age, for humans of course. Werewolves had an earlier drinking age.

'Yeah and Isabella got accidently drunk at sixteen when we reached that age. One too many Pina Colada's that weren't virgins after she sneaked into the club as she was underage.' Isabella did do that. I don't know how to describe her when she was drunk as she was many things.

I continued padding through the snow waiting for them to show up and then we'd go on our run through this forest. Of course the forest in Greenburg was good. Which is why I went on a few runs in it before we had to leave and go back to this forest.

But it was better than nothing or running in some shitty ally. 'That it is.' I continued through when I heard the familiar padding of paws to see Nico come into view nearly blending in with his white coat followed by Angel's almost cream colored coat.

'The rest are on their way.' Nico said through mind-link as I trotted over to them my tail raised up high. 'How far behind are they from you two?' I asked. 'Maybe a mile.' Nico answered. Nico could really get going with his speed sometimes and forget not all of them were as fast as he was.

I nodded before sitting down in the snow as we waited for the rest of them to arrive so we could start the run. 'Running with family can be special, especially when your all in the age group. Maybe we'll even find a rabbit to hunt.' Rabbits could be easy to hunt.

Depending on how fast they hopped. I know sometimes more than one wolf would be needed to take down a rabbit if it's fast. But it doesn't give you a lot of food for the winter if you live in the wild. 'Angel talks about those things as did Nico.'

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