|Chapter 29|

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So building bombs wasn't as simple as everyone put it out to be. But I didn't know where to even look to buy one or a site that makes one. I just happened to be able to build a more intense bomb that can blow things up.

But I wanted a hand grenade more than anything to bring to this vampire meeting. Just pull the pin and toss and it's lights out for a nice amount of vampires. They may be small, but I bet they'll prove to be useful.

If I learned how to make one. 'Because it defiantly won't be appropriate to order a hand grenade and have it delivered to the college dorm.' 'If I do order it, I can always have it delivered to my house back in Greenburg.' 'I can already see that phone call.'

I rolled my eyes at Satan and how much he over exaggerated. I doubt Ryne would mind that I was ordering grenades. He didn't care about what I ordered. . . most of the time. Lucas and I might of ordered a dildo on purpose to see what his reaction would be and he was not amused.

Especially since Lucas ordered it off some fantasy sex toy website and it cost like a hundred dollars. 'But his expression was of course priceless when he opened it. . . and that you put his name on it no less.' Yes, those were the good times.

Andrew actually suggested it. One of the best pranks we had ever pulled off. Although we had been dialing back on the pranking as they considered it 'immature' for someone our age. They were just jealous. . . and didn't want to be the next victim of a prank.

I actually hadn't done a good prank in awhile which makes me want to go out and prank some more, but right now I had to deal with this. Getting a grenade for the approaching meeting. I mean there was no guarantee that I'd need it with the other bombs, but it's best to be safe then sorry.

And this grenade could be quite the turning point. 'Yes just pull the pin and toss it and all the surrounding vampires go boom. . . and anyone caught in the crossfire.' 'No I'll only throw it where their is vampires.'

Satan shrugged. And the meeting was coming up soon. Of course I'd have to fill Dalton in with all my bomb plans. And he speaking of Dalton he was in a good mood when I saw him at the campus. He had a more happier then usual smile on his face.

Dalton tended to smile, but his one was happier than usual. 'Yeah because you were staring him down and he felt flattered even though you looked like a creeper.' 'I was not staring him down, I simply gazed in his direction.' 'For five minutes straight.' 'Least I don't ask him to strip for me!'

Satan snickered at that and I rolled my eyes before grabbing my iPhone and pulling up my contacts after unlocking it. Then I found Dalton's contact before hitting the call button and the iPhone began to ring and I bit my lip thinking of how to tell him.

"Hello." "Hi." "What do you need Isabella." "Can you come over?" "What for?" "I actually want tell you something." "Is it good or bad?" "Eh." "Yeah I'll be over in a few." "Thank you." "No problem, see you soon Isabella." Then Dalton hung up the phone and I looked back at the website.

Well this will sure as hell will be fun to explain to Dalton. 'I am sure he'll understand after he does some freaking out firs at the thought of a bomb in the room and then it'll all be fine.' Yeah, something to that degree.
"So what is it you want to talk about?" Dalton asked as we sat on the couch in my dorm and I looked at him and smiled just a tiny bit. "That smile says your are up to no good, what'd you do Isabella?" Dalton asked running a hand through his silky black locks.

'And it now begins, prepare yourself Isabella as he might be upset with your idiotic life choices of owning bombs.' I ignored Satan at that and sort of gave Dalton a look. "Why don't I show you instead." I told Dalton who raised an eyebrow at that and I simply smiled before standing up.

"Come on." I told Dalton leading him to my room and Dalton took a seat on my bed. "Your bed isn't that bad." Dalton commented as I dragged out my weapons case. "Thank you." I told him and his eyes shifted over to the black case.

"You get a new gun you want to show off?" Dalton asked with a small smile. 'Oh he is so sweet and innocent and always looks for the best in you. He is so in love with you. And he seems to be pleased when you are pleased. Lilith says you got yourself a keeper.'

I ignored Satan as I unclipped the black case. "Something to that degree." I said as I moved up the small casing that revealed the bomb as Dalton's crystal blue golden flecked eyes stayed on me as I pulled the bomb out and looked at him.

Dalton's eyes turned gold the gold flecks taking over until there was nothing, but gold left. "Why do you have a bomb?" "Wait, I don't even want to know." Dalton shook his head as his eyes went back to their normal color. "It's for good reasons." I told Dalton looking at him.

'Well he didn't panic like I thought he would. Seems he's got use to how crazy you could be.' 'I am not crazy.' 'You can be.' I rolled my eyes at Satan and how over dramatic he was. I got up on the bed and looked at the bombs in my hand.

"I found out how to make it on the internet, but I haven't found out how to make a hand grenade just yet." I told Dalton who in response raised his eyebrows. "And what do you need a hand grenade for, you planning on starting a war?" Dalton asked.

"Well no, but it's for the meeting in case they try anything, I saw it on iZombie and the guy bought one right out of a trunk out of a car. But I don't know how to do that. And The Organization would be a little suspicious if I put in an order for they might get a little suspicious at that." I told Dalton who nodded at that. 'Well he really is taking this much better than I expected him to.' 'I know it actually is a little startling, I thought he'd freak out some. But I guess he is getting used to me.'

Satan nodded. "You seem very calm about this." I told Dalton. "I've had a feeling you had bombs for this meeting. Just promise you won't blow us up." Dalton said and I nodded. "Won't do that." I told him.

Dalton smiled. "That's all I am asking for." Dalton said and I nodded at that. Dalton looked at me as I put the bomb away and moved my hair from my face before locking up the compartment and hiding the key once more before locking the case up and putting it underneath my bed.

'And covering it so no one expects anything, anyone that sees it thinks it's an instrument and you play right into that saying it's a guitar case.' I did. It irritated me when people couldn't mind their own business on something that is not theirs. Like it's mine so go fuck off

I looked at Dalton as I moved my hair. "Can I stay for dinner?" Dalton asked. "Yeah I was just having a T.V. meal though, nothing special." I told Dalton. "You got chicken, shredded cheese and taco shells?" Dalton asked. "Yeah, why?" I asked and Dalton smiled.

"How about chicken quesadillas instead of frozen food?" Dalton asked. 'And I already know the answer to this.' "Sure, sounds good." I told Dalton who grinned before getting up. "I'll go start on it." Dalton said before taking off to the kitchen and I followed him shaking my head.

Sorta became a habit for Dalton make things for me and I really didn't mind. It was nice. Soon we'd leave for Greenburg and I could have a few Flimur meals before going back to Angel and Dalton strictly meals. I smiled before following Dalton out.

1437. Sorry bout' the long wait. I didn't have inspiration the day I was supposed to update. The next day I got sunburned so yeah. And I wrote late tonight. But guess who is going to prom? Me! I got my dress tried on, the top needs to be fitted to me and I'll be making Harley Quinn comic shoes for prom. Until next time comic marshmallows!

 Until next time comic marshmallows!

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