|Chapter 21|

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Of course my birthday had to fall on Easter. I was used to it being April's fools day, but not falling on Eater. Since it fell on Easter it prevented me from going out to The Organization's library like I planned to.

But everyone had plans with each other. They're own Easter games for adults and werewolves along with a hunter and witch plus Lyric. Rory offered to throw a party for me as I was now nineteen, but I rejected it. 'You just aren't in the mood to have a nineteenth birthday party.' Satan was telling the truth.

I just didn't want to have a party. Hanging out with all of them and the fact that it was Easter as well. 'And that you and Dalton had plans to go to the library and now they are ruined.' 'We'll just go another day.' Satan shrugged.

If I wanted to I could just go see Dalton and we could spend time together on my birthday. He probably also had a birthday present waiting for me. My birthday present to him last year was a thirty dollar gift card to any store as I didn't know what to buy him.

'But he knows what to buy you for sure. Then again he pays attention to you more than you pay attention. . .  to anyone.' 'Hey, I pay attention to people. I'm not that shallow.' 'Never said you were shallow, simply said Dalton puts more effort in.'

I put in just as much effort as Dalton did. Most of the time. Dalton just had better patience than I did which was fine. Dalton could be the patient more level head of the relationship and I could be the psycho one the one who will show people not to mess with me. . . us.

'Yes and Dalton will be the one to make sure you don't kill anyone.' Satan made me sound like I was a psychopath. 'You can't be a psychopath, you have a conscience with some people, but you can be crazy if people hurt the ones close to you.'

It's called protective. Not psycho, protective of the ones close to me and my family. I looked over at Maryse and then at Angel who was on her iPhone. No doubt texting Nico about something. "Isabella what is Easter?" Angel asked. "A big feast, the resurrection of Christ and things like that." I told Angel.

"Most people just see it as time to spend with their family and give baskets of candy and sometimes clothes and stuffed animals." I told Angel who nodded. "I heard it's also April Fool's. So is it supposed to be a trick?" Angel asked.

"Easter moves around." I told Angel. 'It really sucks that she is rogue and still has to catch up on life.' 'Least she's catching up on life well and not just giving up and asking Nico to help her. Or explain everything to her.' Angel asked me things which made me feel special.

"Happy birthday Isabella." Angel said glancing up at me and I smiled at her. "Nico said it's your birthday." Angel said. "Yeah, we're a few days apart Nico and I. I'm older by a few days though." I told Angel whose eyes lit up as she probably thought of things for Nico's birthday.

I smiled as I turned back to Maryse and scratched behind hear ear and Maryse jutted her head out to me. "You'll be coming over to Rodney's right for Easter dinner right?" Angel asked. "I tend to." I told Angel and who nodded at that.

'I wonder what they'll be making.' 'Maybe turkey or something like that.' Recently I've been craving Chinese though. Chinese take-out on Easter sounded awesome, but I should eat with them. They were my friends and Dalton was my. . . boyfriend so it'd be nice to eat Easter dinner with him even if it's just simple turkey.

"Your not doing anything for your birthday are you?" Angel asked. "I was going to go The Organization's library, but they're not open on holidays so all of my plans were canceled." I told Angel who nodded. "You want to go shopping?" Angel asked and I glanced up.

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