|Chapter 24|

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I looked at Isabella in her car as I drove us to the fancy restaurant. "You look irritated." I told her and Isabella looked over. She stayed quiet before speaking, "Lucas did nothing, but talk about sex to me." Isabella said and I bit my lip.

"How Enyr is a great sex partner, the best he had and his forever sex partner from the way he talks. And then started talking about how I was virgin. . . and you being a virgin. And talking to an incubus for you to learn tips." Isabella said.

'I feel like we picked her up at a very bad time. Like she is having a. . . sex meltdown?' 'Except she doesn't want to do the deed, more of being talked about to her.' And the fact that we were the only virgins of the group of friends and family in this college.

"And I didn't want to know that, and then you texted and reminded me of the fancy freaking dinner. And I told myself not to a bitch to you as well and I feel like screaming at you in anger because of Lucas and talking about us having sex." Isabella said shaking her head.

"We can take a rain check on the fancy dinner and let you just go blow off steam and grab some burgers." I told her. "That sounds really tempting, but you wanted to go out here." Isabella said. 'We did, it's a good thing she's considering our feelings now.'

"So we can go to that fancy dinner that you had planned for a week. Give us some peace while that Forsaken situation is dealt with and those vampires." Isabella said and I nodded. My father was getting quite serious on that situation which was good.

Soon those vampires would just be a thing of the past. Isabella and I could focus on college and in two years we'd graduate college and be able to start our own life. 'Get a nice house or just boot Ryne out to his girlfriend's and Enyr to Lucas.' 'Seems a little mean.' Ash shrugged.

'And you know damn well you aren't going to boot Ryne out to his girlfriend, he scares both of us too much.' 'Then we can find a nice house to buy from our savings account, maybe three bedroom near the woods of course.'

Ash had lots of things planned out. 'Freya and Rodney are already looking at houses.' 'Well this is their last year before they are done with college.' Then the two were going back to Greenburg and then Rodney officially left the den after that. For all we know they'll start on children next as well.

Next thing I know I'll be an Uncle and my parents Grandparents. I looked over at Isabella as the restaurant pulled into view. I slowed the car down before pulling into the driveway after glancing at Isabella and her outfit. Not anything very fancy or too casual.

'Something nice in it's own way.' She was in a pair of leather pants and a nice shirt that she got for her birthday. Then her denim jacket. The shirt was a button up plaid up shirt. Then a pair of combat boots next to my black pants, button-up shirt, and then my material jacket.

My leather jacket was typically what I wore, but I decided to grab the material jacket. It wasn't extremely cold out so I didn't need it. The leather jacket I used a lot in the winter as it gave the illusion that I could be cold so I didn't raise suspicion.

I hated winter jackets. 'So we went the leather jacket route as they also look good.' I nodded in agreement as I went to a parking space. I pulled into the space before turning off Isabella's car and looking over at Isabella who was staring at the restaurant sign.


It was very nice looking restaurant and the reviews had mostly five stars with a few four stars. But the ratings were good so I decided to bring Isabella here. A nice fancy date that I'm sure Isabella will enjoy once she calms down from the whole sex talk she had with Lucas.

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