Another Day at the Park - Part 13

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It's been two weeks since you and Harry became official. It was weird though because your relationship had actually changed from what it was before. You two were closer, more connected somehow. You two also didn't have to really hide anything, but you were still respectful when you were around Abby. There was a week break in between the last leg of the tour and the next, so you all were back in LA.

So, far you haven't had any issues with Simon since he had left for LA after you two had run into each other those few weeks ago, but now that you were back home, you were afraid he might try something. You were getting ready to meet Harry at the park with Jackson and Ella. You two were going to go for a walk with the kids.

You get Ella into the stroller and grab your things throwing them into the bottom of the stroller and heading out the door. You walk to the park, since it's nearby, and you see Harry walking up already.

"Y/N!" Jackson gasps seeing you first. He lets go of Harry's hand so he can run over to you and Ella. He hugs your legs tightly and you smile.

"Hi, buddy." You smile. "How are you doing today?"

"Great!" He smiles before going over to Ella and kissing her head.

"Wack-Wack!" She smiles reaching out for him. He smiles hugging her tightly.

Harry finally catches up to you, wrapping his arms around your waist.

"Hey, baby." He smiles giving you a quick kiss.

"Hi." you smile. "How was it sleeping back in your own bed?"

"Amazing, although I definitely missed one thing." He smirks. "You."

You laugh rolling your eyes. "I was just glad to have the bed to myself again," you smirk at him.

"Hey now! That's just mean." He says.

You smirk and look down at Jackson. "Ready to go on our walk?"

"Yeah!!!" He giggles. "I even wear my new shoes!" He says showing them off.

"Those are awesome! And they match your shirt!" You gasp.

"Yep!" He smirks and starts walking, holding Ella's hand.

You smile and you all start walking.

"Have you heard from Simon at all?" Harry whispers over to you.

"No, thank god." You say.

"That's good." He says. "But uh, what if he does reach out to you. What would you do?"

You sigh. "Honestly, I don't know. It would definitely depend upon what he had to say to start off with. Then, I would just base where I go from there on that."

"What if he tells you he wants to see her.. see you?" He asks.

"Look, if you're worried that Simon would bring up him and I getting back together again, you have nothing to worry about. I don't want to be with him. I don't love him anymore and honestly, looking back I don't think I ever really did love him." You sigh.

"It's good to know." He smiles. "That I don't have to worry about someone trying to snatch you away." He jokes.

"Oh, you don't have to worry about that, unless it's like Nick Jonas or something." You joke.

Harry gasps dramatically looking over at you. You smirk kissing his cheek. He laughs taking your hand and lacing it with his.

"And as far as him wanting to see Ella..." you sigh. "I don't know... I know that has her father, she should see him and he should want to see her, but I just don't want her to be around him whenever he feels like it, you know. I want her to know a father that is always in her life not just when it's convenient. Like how you are with Jackson. He may not live with you 24/7, but you're still in his life as much as you can be and he knows that. Ella deserves to have that."

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