Do Something - Part 54

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Two days. It had been two days since Harry left and he still hadn't called. Ella was miserable. She didn't want to play in the playroom. She didn't want to have tea parties. She didn't want to go to the park. She hardly ate. She didn't really want to do anything. All she wanted to do was either stare at the front door as if Harry and Jackson would walk through any minute or cuddle up with you, where she would cry her little eyes out.

While you were still hurt and angry with your feelings for Harry, nothing compared to how hurt and angry you were about him treated Ella like this. If Harry and you were to break up, you would one day eventually be able to move on and be happy, whereas Ella would not. Even once she got older and had her own life experiences, she wouldn't understand why this man chose to be her father and then chose to leave.
Hunter had stayed with you the last two nights, but you had told him to go home. He was furious with the situation because he knew how much you were hurting and it was obvious to see how much Ella was. Neither one of you deserved what was happening to the two of you, especially since this had happened once before, but then you weren't as hurt as you were this time.
It was going on day three and you had told yourself if Harry hadn't called by tonight, you would call Anne yourself because you knew that he wouldn't answer if you called him. You were downstairs in the kitchen with Ella and you had cooked her favorite breakfast, chocolate chip apple cinnamon pancakes.
After you cut up the little pieces and put them on a plate, you put it in front of Ella. She was staring at the front door again and you sighed.

"Hey, baby." You say. "Why don't we go shopping or go to the beach?" You ask.

"No. No." She whispers.

You sigh. "You know, I know you miss Daddy and Jackson, but that doesn't mean we can't have Mommy and Ella fun day." You smile.
She looks over at you. "Weally?" She asks.
"Really." you smile. "We can go do whatever you want."
"Uh... Bweach?" She asks.

"Sounds perfect." You say. "But first let's eat up our breakfast and then we can get going." You say.

She smiles a bit and starts eating her pancakes.


Harry was sitting outside in the backyard at his mom's house, Jackson was running around having fun exploring.
"So, you've been here a few days and I think it's time we've had that conversation." Anne says.

"I knew this was coming.." He sighs sitting up in his chair.

"Harry, you've been here for almost three days and I haven't seen you pick up the phone once. I can't believe you haven't bothered to call. You didn't just leave a girlfriend, you left the woman that you love and are engaged too as well as your daughter. You're not acting like the man I raised. What's going on?" She demands.

He sighs running his hands over his face. He knew his Mom was right. He wasn't acting like himself. He wanted to call, he tried calling, but he could never find himself able to hit the call button. He was afraid of you answering and what you might say to him. He knew it wasn't fair because Ella didn't deserve not hearing from him, but he didn't know what to do.
"It's I moving too fast with Y/N? Should I even be with someone right now? Should I be focusing on Jackson? I don't know..." He sighs.

"Harry, we've been through this. When you told me that you and Abby were having a baby and that you didn't love her in the way to be with her, I told you that it was okay. As long as you treated her with respect and are there for your son, everything would workout. I also said that one day you would find that person that you love and want to have a life with and that you finding that love wouldn't mean that you would have to put your son on the back burner. Just because you and Y/N moved a bit faster than most, doesn't mean that you've neglected your son. Jackson's feelings about another baby are normal. All kids think they're parents are going to forget about them or prefer the new baby over them. It's not just you and Jackson." She says.

"I know that, but hearing that my son was afraid I wouldn't want him, broke my heart, Mum. Then it made me think about everything too much and I guess I overreacted.." He sighs.

"Well, even though I loved having you two here, I will say it was a bit of an overreaction. Especially since you haven't called her since you left without any explanation." She says.

"I'm scared Mum. What if I ruined everything? What if I hurt her and Ella too much and I've lost them both?" He sniffles.

"That is a possibility, but the longer you avoid the situation the worse it's going to get." She whispers. "Call her and talk this over. Fly her and Ella out here or fly back to LA. Just do something so you don't lose out on the love of your life." She says getting up from her seat and going over to Jackson.
Harry sighs and grabs his phone from his pocket. He goes to his favorites contact list and finds your name. He holds his thumb over it and presses your name.


After finishing breakfast, you and Ella get ready to go to the beach. You both get dressed in your swimsuits and packed a bag of toys, towels, and lunch before heading to your car. You get Ella into the car seat before getting into the driver's seat. Once you're in the car, you pull out of the driveway and head to the beach.

As you drive to the beach, you noticed the same black car was droving behind you since you left your neighborhood. At first you didn't think anything of it because this was the only way to the beach from where you lived, so you just assumed that they lived in your same neighborhood.

When you got the parking of the beach, you pared the car and grabbed your things and Ella. You looked around and saw the same car parked a few spaces away from yours. You just shook your head and locked your car before grabbing Ella's hand and walking to the entrance to the beach.

"Where should we sit at?" you smile.

"Uh ova der!" She smiles pointing to a spot nearby.

You nod and walk over to the spot. You set down your bag and get out your blanket to lay on the sand. You get out all of Ella's toys and she giggles before sitting down and playing with them. You smile and sit down next to her.

Throughout the day, you two were having fun. You both took turns splashing in the water and building sand castles. You took pictures of the two of you and you loved seeing the smile on Ella's face, as if she was able to forget about what was happening with Harry.

After a few hours and a bit of lunch, you take Ella back to the car and head home. On the way home, you noticed the same car from before was driving behind you again, but at little bit further away than before. When you get to the house, you get Ella out and start looking around for the car, when you don't see it. At this point you think you're just paranoid at the coincidence.

Since Ella had fallen asleep in the car, you take her to her room where you change her out of her swimsuit and into some dry clothes. You tuck her into bed before heading into your bedroom. You decided to take a shower, so you gathered up a towel and some clothes to change into. Before you headed into the bathroom though, your phone rang.

You were startled at first and picked up the phone, where you saw Harry's name and picture on the screen. You felt a pit in your stomach because you didn't know what would come of this conversation, but you slid your finger to answer the phone.

"H-Hello." You say softly.

"Y/N..." Harry says on the other end of the line.

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