I request a quest...

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Nico's P.O.V.

I threw a pebble across the canoe lake, hoping that it would skip, but only getting a disappointing, though rather large, splash. I was hanging out at camp half-blood because my dad was in a bad mood. Being God of the Underworld means he is generally in a bad mood but currently he was being fouler than normal. I searched the lake side for some more likely looking stones but son gave up. I was feeling jumpy and distracted, although I couldn't figure out why. I strode amongst the strawberry fields, ignoring the worried looks that the satyrs sent my way, and the the infuriated glares of the Demeter cabin. I looked back and shrugged in annoyance, where I had walked there was a trail of dead strawberries. Whatever, they could probably grow them again easily enough.

My trench coat flapped around my legs and the sun was hot on my back but I still felt cold, like there was something missing-


I jumped about a foot in the air, crushing more strawberries. The satyrs probably would have killed me witha rake if they hadn't been too preoccupied with the bunch of teenagers that had just appeared out of thin air.

'Aww man' Percy moaned. 'We just landed in the strawberries.'

'Well at least it's not another empty field' Skye said happily.

I took one look at her and legged it into the forest.

Skye's P.O.V.

I stood up, brushing myself down, grateful that the strawberries hadn't stained my shirt or trousers. I looked round and came face to face with a boy in a long black trench coat and an aviators hat.

'Nico?' I asked softly, but he ran before I could say anything more. I glanced round at the others, they hadn't seen him and after todays news I didn't really feel like chasing after him.

'Come on,' said Annabeth, also standing up. 'We'd better go see Chiron.'

'Or better yet, ME'

'Rachel' Annabeth smiled.

'I heard you were in need of my services,' the girl replied. She had long ginger hair which was curly and was wearing a ripped shirt and paint splattered jeans.

'Wait, you're the oracle?' asked Hermione disbelievingly.

I felt kind of out of it and, judging from the looks on Harry, Ron and Ginny's faces, so were they.

'Any one care to explain?' Ron asked casually.

'Annabeth and Hermione sighed simultaneously and turned to Ron, who shrugged and looked sheepish.

However the red haired girl stepped forward and said, 'Hi, I'm Rachel Elizabeth Dare and I'm the Oracle, at your service. Once in a while I go all spooky and green mist comes out my mouth and I give strange incomprehendable prophecies, but other than that I like art and I'm mortal.' She said this very fast and cherpily, and it took us a while to understand what she had told us. When we had I opened my mouth to speak but-

'Cool, green mist?' Ron asked eagerly. I face palmed as Rachel laughed and led us over to the big house, where Chiron was waiting looking serious and somber. Way to bring the mood down.

'Well, you are here to seek the advice of the Oracle and recieve a quest?' Chiron asked Percy, who nodded.

'Very well,' the centaur replied. 'Percy, stay here with Rachel, the rest of you may wait next door.'

'Why can't we stay too?' I asked, slightly annoyed.

'Traditionally, only the leader of the quest asks the Oracle for a quest and then picks his or her team. As it is Percy's mother who has been kidnapped, then he will be the one to talk to the Oracle.'

I felt a huge surge of anger. 'She's my mum too' I bristled and Chiron nodded.

'I know,' he said calmly, 'but Percy has more experience with these matters, especially in regard tp the Oracle.'

I watched as Percy shuddered, yeah, he'd had experiences alright.

'I think Skye should hear the prophecy too' Percy said quietly.

Chiron fixed the boy with a long, calculating stare and finally said, 'that is highly irregular.'

'I know,' said Percy, then he smiled weakly, 'but we're half-bloods and we're going on a quest with wizards to defeat a were-wolf. Nothings really regular anymore, is it?'

Chiron sighed in defeat, 'fine, Skye may also hear the Prophecy, but the rest of you must stay here.'

My friends nodded happily and smiled at me as I followed Percy and Rachel into a small room. Percy carefully shut the door and turned to Rachel who had become very serious.

'We are going on a quest to save Sally Jackson, what do we need to do?'

Rachel nodded once then became very still. Suddenly green mist spilled from her and began to circle our bodies, filling the room. I shook as the temperature seemed to fall. When Rachel next spoke it was in a chilly raspy voice that definately wasn't her own.


Sorry, bit of a rubish ending, think of it as a cliff hanger... But yeah, I'm really tired so TTFN (ta ta for now) and hope you enjoyed. Don't forget to vote and comment :)

Half-blood is thicker than magic? (A percy jackson/harry potter fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now