Chapter 16: First Mission

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We walked out of the train and started walking to the direction of the client's house. It was a peaceful walk and I noticed something.

I looked closer and I saw that Michael and John were glaring at each other. I think they're fighting silently.

"Hey April. Something interesting happened at the train ride earlier?" I turned around and saw Jizelle and Mareabelle. I smirked.

"Well........" I began and told them what happened earlier.

Once I finished my story we all were squealing and grinning crazily. People started to stare at us and so does the people we were talking about. But once they saw our guild marks, they just shrugged and continued doing their business. I mean it was normal for people because we're Fairy Tail.

We started to talk about the love triangle and we eventually reached our destination.

Ersa knocked on the door and our client came.

"Are you the mages from Fairy Tail?" we nodded. "Ah. Come in. Come in."

We went inside the house. It was a fairly large house, quite simple and has the feeling of peacefulness. Ersa, Mareabelle and I sat down on the couch while the others stood behind us.

"Well, I'm the mayor of this town. And as you read in the flyer, I want you to defeat the thieves that are residing in the outskirts of town. They are bothering some of the townspeople here and I'm afraid they might do something to us. Can you do it?"

"We will do whatever it takes to finish the job." Ersa says determined. Sometimes, she acts like her mother. "we shall take our leave, sir."

And we headed outside. We began to plan and set off. We decided to split up. Michael, Nashi and John went together. Mary, Jizelle and I went off and Ersa, Mareabelle and Gavy went together.

We went to our places and waited. When Ersa gave the signal, we attacked the group of thieves and eventually we won. It was pretty easy because of our teamwork.

We went back to the mayor's house and received our reward. We shared the reward and decided to rest in the grass field we found earlier.

We talked and eventually it led to Nashi. "Nashi, did something happen? You don't look like you're that happy...." I asked a little concerned.

"No...., It's just that Michael and John kept on protecting me earlier and I barely did anything!!" she whined and pouted cutely.

I looked at the others,them having the same look as I have, and nodded. "They likeeeeeee you!!!?" we said at the same time.

Nashi blushed crazily and stuttered. She looks cute. Good thing the guys aren't looking at us. "S-stop saying t-that...!!!" she covered her head in her hands. She looks too cute.

We started to tease her and she just blushed different shades of red. It was funny to see her reaction.

We laughed, teased each other and did various things while the guys just stayed there. Seems like they're talking about something.

The sun was starting to set and we ride a train to Magnolia. I forced Nashi to sit down beside John and Michael but she was so embarrass and just sat down with Jizelle. I sighed. I thought it was going to be interesting on the ride home but I guessed not.

I just closed my eyes and started to drift off to sleep.


"Dad! I'll just go out for a while." a blue haired boy yelled and started to head for the door. "Sure. Just be back before dinner."

"Yeah." and the boy went out the door.

He played with the animals outdoor and started to train his magic which happened to be ice magic. He was amazing at it. It was starting to get late so he went back, not wanting to be lectured by his father.

He and his father ate dinner and he headed to his room. I wish something interesting will happen tomorrow.... was his last thought before falling asleep.

Little did he know that something will indeed happen tomorrow.

A/N.Hey guys! I'm back. Sorry if I didn't update for a long time. I'm just busy and all with school and stuff. But I'll update every chance I got. BYE!

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