Chapter 17: New Friend

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It was a peaceful and quiet day at the guild. It was nice but I'm getting bored right now because everyone seems to be busy. A sigh escaped my lips and I buried my face in my arms that are streched out in the table.

"Hey Nashi." I looked up and saw Michael who sat down in front of me. A small smile escaped my lips as I greeted him.

"Man, it's so boring right now." Michael said.

"Tell me about it." I slumped in my seat remembering the boring atmosphere. A small laugh escaped his lips and I coudn't help but smile a little.

"Yeah. It's peaceful and I pretty like it but it's just boring. And the other girls are out helping Mira-san doing who-knows-what." And I began to complain and rant about things and I eventually forgot about the boring atmosphere.

"How about we take a stroll around town?" Michael suddenly asked out of the blue. I thought about it for a moment. I mean I don't have anything to do at the moment so why not?

"Sure." I answered happily. "I'll just tell mom and dad."

And with that I walked to mom and dad who were sitting at the bar talking with their old friends.


I sighed. There was nothing to do and it's really boring. Then, I notice Nashi sitting alone in one of the tables of the guild. A plan formed in my mind.

"Hey Nashi." I approached her and sat across from her. She lifted her head and a small smile formed on her lips as she greeted me back.

"Man, it's so boring right now."I said trying to start a conversation.

"Tell me about it." Nashi slumped in her seat and I laugh a little while she just smiled at me.

She began to rant and complain about things which I found very cute. I listened to her and laughed at times. Now I forgot about the boredness I was felling earlier. Talking with Nashi is fun actually and I enjoyed it.

Suddenly, I thought of something. "How about we take a stroll around town?" I said hoping she won't notice the desperation in my voice

She thought for a minute. "Sure." she answered brightly and smiled at me. "I'll just tell mom and dad." And she run off to the direction of her parents.

It took all of the fibers in my body not to jump in joy and do a victory dance. Man, I feel like a love-sick puppy. Ah, but it's fine. I'm going to the park with Nashi! Wohoo!!!

Minutes passed and Nashi came back. She told me that her parents granted permission but she had to go home at her curfew time which is five o'clock. It sounds good to me and we went outside the guild deciding to go and take a look at different shops of the town.


I gritted my teeth and clenched my fists as I saw them talking in a table -not too far from the one I'm in- happily.

Ok, I admit it I am jealous of their close relationship. Ugh. Damnit. I slammed my palms on the table, got up and walked away.


We walked around town laughing and talking. We checked different stores, tried different street foods and just stroll around having fun. I was really happy that Nashi and I had a time together like this.

We decided to take a rest and sat under a big oak tree. We talked about pointless stuff and laughed at each other.

The nice atmosphere around us was broken when a tree almost fell down on us. Good thing we notice it right away or we would have been injured.

I observd the tree and some part of it was covered in ice. I frowned. Who could have done this? Didn't they know that it's dangerous?

"What was that?" Nashi asked from behind me. "I don't know."


We turned around and saw a silhouette of a person maybe the same height as me. The person walked forward.

I observed his face when he came closer to us. He had dark blue hair and eyes. He was wearing a white shirt and faded jeans with some sneakers and a cross shaped necklace dangling form his neck. I observed his face closer and I can tell that he looked kinda like Gray-san.

He scratched his neck awkwardly and smiled sheepishly. "Hehe. Sorry about that. You see, I was training and well, it got out of hand so...." and he just grinned at us. "Good thing is you two are not hurt, right? By the way, I'm Sky and you two are?" he said and streched his hand out to us.

 "Don't worry about it we're fine. I'm Nashi." Nashi introduced while smiling happily. 'And this is Michael. One of my friends. It's nice to meet you." and she shaked hands with him.

 I glared at the man and noticed that the sun was setting. "Sorry but we have to go." I said and held Nashi's wrist. 

"W-what?! But we just met a new friend. Can't we stay a little longer?" Nashi whined. I sighed.

"I also want to stay but your parents would be mad at me if I didn't take you home now. Besides, we can meet up here tomorrow." I suggested. What am I doing? Ugh.

Nashi pouted and sighed. "Fine." she turned towards Sky. "Let's meet here again, okay? Bye!" she waved and started to walk.

Sky just smiled and waved back. I just shake  my head and followed after Nashi.

A/N. I'm back. Sorry guys for not updating fast. I just finished our first prliminary exam and I am busy studying new lessons. I really am going to try to update sooner. BYE!

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