Chapter 6: A walk in the park spells L-O-V-E

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This story is dedicated to all JErza fans out there. Enjoy.

Disclaimer: I don't own anything that has to do with Fairy Tail.


We're heading back now in our respective houses after the job we did on the 8-Island earlier.

Natsu: That was easy and the foods are delicious. We should try working there again.

Gray: Dumbass.

Natsu: What did you say, ice prick?

Gray: I said you're a dumbass, ash brain.

Natsu: Oh. you wanna go, stripper?

Gray: Anytime, fire freak.

I sighed. This two are such a pain. I glared at the two.

Erza: Are you two fighting?

Gray: N-no. We're the best of friends, right Natsu?

Natsu: A-aye.

Erza: Good. Now let's hurry. It's getting dark and it's time for curfew on Fairy Hills.

And we seperated ways. As I was walking, I heard something. I turned around and got in a fighting stance. Suddenly, I felt something touched my shoulder. I turned around and got ready to fight the person but was shocked.

Erza: J-jellal? W-what are you doing here? I thought you were on a mission?

Jellal: I already finished it and decided to pay Fairy Tail a visit. So...... You free tomorrow? You know, so we can hang out and catch on things or something?

I blushed.

Erza: S-sure. I mean I'm free and all and so where?

Damn. I'm stuttering a lot. Calm down Erza. Calm down.

Jellal: How about the park 6 pm?

Erza: Sounds good.

Jellal: See you there. Bye.

Erza: Bye.

Jellal went off and I headed to Fairy Hills.

ERZA'S POV (Next day at the guild)

I walked into the guild and saw Lucy at the bar talking with Mira. Great. Now just ask her.

Erza: Lucy, come with me now.

I asked her. (More like demanded.) I led *ahem* dragged *ahem* her to the back of the guild and faced her.

Erza: I need your help Lucy.

Lucy: W-what?

Erza: W-well.......Jellalaskmetogoontheparkwithhimlater.

Lucy: Come again?

I sighed. This is gonna be embarassing.

Erza: I said Jellal ask me to go hang out wi-

Lucy: KYAAAHHHH!!!! OMG!! Why didn't you say so? Come on let's go shopping.

Erza: But Lucy-

I wasn't able to finish my sentence because Lucy dragged me out of the guild to go shopping.

It has been ten minutes *ahem* 3 hours *ahem* and we finished our shopping. I thanked Lucy and I went to the park.

I saw Jellal sitting on one of the benches probably waiting for me.

He was wearing his usual outfit. I called him and sat next to him.


I was waiting for Erza when someone called me. I turned around and invited her to sit next to me.

I looked at her and saw she was wearing a red dress that reaches to her knees. She's wearing flats and her hair was a wavy. It was really simple but at the same time beautiful. I faked cough to get her attention and it worked.

Jellal: How about we take a walk around?

Erza: Sure.


We walked around the park and talk about several things. We shared experiences and laughed at some of them. It was really nice to know that this day would come where we can talk like this.

We sat on one of the benches. I looked up the sky and saw the stars twinkling brightly. It was beautiful. No wonder Lucy loves them.

Erza: How long are you gonna stay here in Magnolia?

Jellal: I'm gonna leave soon but before I do let me do something.

Erza: Wha-

I was cut off three times already this day but that's not important right now. I felt something on my lips but it was gone when I realized it. I was blushing that it could put a tomato and even my hair in shame.

Jellal: Well, I better go now. Bye. Oh yeah, here. See ya!

Jellal slipped a paper in my hands and walked off. I opened the paper and read it.

Dear Erza Scarlet,

I know this isn't like me but I just want to tell you that I really love you but since I'm a connvict, I don't deserve someone like you. I hope that you can return my feelings the next time we met but I don't think it's possible. Well, I hope you enjoy your life here. Until we meet again.

Yours truly,

Jellal Fernandes.


I hope you like the kiss.

I smiled and blushed at the same time. This guy. He should have told this in person.

Erza: Idiot. I love you too. Well, I guess I should tell thos when we meet again.

I got up and walked home.

Someplace at the same time

???: Damnit! Now all of them are happy and alll lovey-dovey.

???: What are we gonna do about it?

???: *smirks* I know just the thing. I'll destroy their lives once and for all. HAHHAHAHAH!!!

LUCY'S POV -next day at the guild-

I opened the guild doors and saaw that it was noisy as usual. Natsu and Gray fighting and the others joining. Chairs, tables, barrels and others are being thrown here and there. I went to the table where Levy was sitting, carefully dodging the furnitures thrown, and sat with her. She was really happy today. I wonder what happen?

Lucy: Hey Levy-chan. Anything new?

Levy: Nothing. Why'd you ask? And oh, can I please have some spolers on your story? Pleeeaaaseeeee..... I really wanna know!!

Lucy: Nothing. I just notice that you're really happy today. And no. If I give you spoilers then it's not gonna be fun in reading it.

Levy: Fine. Did you know what happen yesterday? Gajeel confessed and he marked me. Look at it.

Lucy: No way! Tell me in full detail. No left out.

She told me what happen and I squealed every now and then. Suddenly............


Everyone: Minerva! And Rufus!??

A/N: It's a cliff-hanger. Sorry if it's short. BTW, it's gonna end soon but I'm planning to continue this when they're all married and stuff. Read, comment, vote and follow. Until the next chapter. Bye!

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