Chapter 13: Baby Sky is in Trouble!!!

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There was a sudden crash and rubbles flew. Everyone was alerted and they prepare to fight whoever it was.

The dust cleared and there stood five hooded figures......


There was a sudden explosion and I held Sky protectively in my arms and prepared for what ever was coming next.

The dust cleared and there stood five hooded figures. One step forward and spoke. "Hand me the baby and no one will get hurt."

"We'll never hand our son to you, bastard." Gray then stood protectively in front of us. "Stay behind me." Gray whispered and I just nodded.

"If you want it to be that way so be it." the mysterious person who appeared to be the leader commanded and in an instant there were many hooded people behind them.

"Onwards my minions and get that baby." his minions charged at us and everyone started fighting.

Everyone is trying their best in defeating the enemy and at the same time protecting me and my Sky.

While everyone was distracted trying to protect us, a hooded figure inched closer to me and attack me with.. ice? "GYAAAH!!"

"Sorry Juvia but I can't watch you with him being all happy...." the hooded figure took my Sky away and before he took off, I caught a glimpse of silver and passed out.....


They were small fry but they keep coming one after the other and it's getting frustrating. We're trying to get rid of the enemies while protecting Sky.

"GYAAAH!!" I turned around and saw Juvia on the floor unconscious and the leader with our son.

"Damnit." I cursed and started to run after the guy. Natsu and Jellal went with me to back me up and Wendy took care of Juvia.

We look around and saw the hooded guy running away. "Stop right there bastard." I shouted but the hooded figure went inside an old building. We followed him inside and began our search.

"Let's split up. I'll check upstairs, Jellal you look around outside and Natsu you'll search here." I commanded and they nodded.

I walk upstairs and started to search. I reached the highest floor and I saw the hooded figure with my son.

"Hand him over, you prick!" I shouted and he turned around alerted of my prescence.

"Come any closer and I'll drop the baby." the man threatened and walked over to the end of the roof helding Sky closely at the end.

"Don't you dare...." I growled and I could just feel the man smirk.

"Try me." And that's the last straw for me. I created an ice sword and plunged forward towards the man.

"I told you to come any closer, right?" I can't seem to hear anything he's saying because I'm really angry at that man. "I guess I'll need to do it now, huh?"

Huh? The heck is he talking about? Could it be-

"Stop!" I yelled as I ran towards his direction but I was too late. He already dropped Sky. "NOOOOO!!!!"

I held out my arm, but I was too late. I was too late. I punched the guy and he was unconscious. I run down and I saw almost everyone was crowded and huddled together. Some were shocked, some were crying and all those different emotions swirled in their faces.

I walked closer to them and they parted giving me way. There I saw Juvia on her knees crying and hugging Sky close to her. I felt a pang on my chest and I felt tears coming down my face. I don't care if I cried in front of everyone. It was just .... I wasn't able to protect one of the most precious things in my life. I promised to protect Sky and I also promised that I won't let Juvia cry out of sadness.And I just broke them.

I am the worst husband and dad in the whole world.


It was the day of burial of Sky Fullbuster. Everyone in Fairy Tail was there wearing black clothes.

Everyone was crying, sorrow and pain written all over their faces. But the worst were Gray, Juvia and April.

Everyone was mourning over the death of Gray and Juvia's son. And to complete the look, it was raining hard.

People after people went away leaving the Fullbuster family alone in front of the tomb.

They left after a few hours of crying and murmuring words in front of the tomb.........

After a few months, the guild slowly moved on and eventually even Gray, Juvia and their child April moved on. They didn't forget about him no, they hold onto the memories they had with him and they remembered him.

A/N. Hey guys! I hope you enjoyed all my crappy chapters. It's just I don't have any inspiration right now so it's hard to write. But the next chapter, there will be twists and turns. Oh, and please read my new fan fiction: I'm In Love With My Fanboy?! It's a StiCy fanfic. My favorite crack pairing. I don't know how I got interested in it but I think they're kinda cute together. But I'm still a hardcore NaLu. Please read it. Thanks and Bye!

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