Chapter 10: The most awaited day: The Wedding

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Note: The way I will write this special story will be different than the ones I usually do.

Disclaimer: I don't own the amazing Fairy Tail.


It's been six months since we prepared for the wedding. It was stressful but I know that it was worth it.

Right now, I was in the dressing room trying to get ready with the girls helping me. When I finished dressing, the girls looked shocked.

"Wow. Juvia you look beautiful."

''Juvia you look amazing.''

''It suits you perfectly Juvia.''

I bushed and felt fluttered because of their comments on me. "You guys look beautiful and amazing too. I'm really glad that my fairy tale will be fulfilled. And I'm really nervous right now." I said. Me being nervous was true. Who wouldn't be?

"Don't worry Juvia. It's gonna be fine." Lucy put a hand on my shoulder and gave me a reassuring smile. She's one of my closest friend and I decided to make her the bridesmaid and her boyfriend the groomsman.

"Let's be ready. The ceremony will begin in less than 30 minutes." Mira-san reminded us. All of us get ready and wait for the ceremony to begin.


I was currently with Natsu, Gajeel, Jellal and Laxus in the other room waiting for the ceremony to begin.

"Tch. Why do we need to go here three hours early?" I asked angrily.

"Cause girls are the only creatures that take at least three whole fucking hours to get ready." Natsu said. (A/N:I honestly don't agree with you Natsu.Some girls don't take that long.) Silence then enveloped the room.

I was itching to see Juvia already but they won't let me. I sighed just 15 minutes to go. I was getting nervous and began to pace around the room. I was frantically nervous.

"Dude. Stop freaking out. You're acting like a sissy." Gajeel said. "Shut up would you? I'm just frantically nervous. I don't want to mess this up okay?" I turned to Gajeel as I said that and started to pace again.

"Just calm down." Jellal put a hand on my shoulder and I calmed down. "Only about 10 minutes. Let's get going."

We proceeded to the church which is the Kardia Cathedral. I waited for Juvia in front of the church.


Everything was in place and everyone was excited to see the bride and the groom get ready. Then, the music started to play.

Mira and Laxus came walking down the aisle. Mira with her arm loomed around Laxus'. She was wearing a white dress that reaches down her knees, same with the other girl. Her hair let down like usual. Laxus, on the other hand, was wearing a suit. They then separated and stood in their places to wait for the others.

Levy and Gajeel came in next. Levy also wearing the same dress as Mira's with her hair let down adorning an orange headband. Gajeel also wore a suit but it was clear that it itches him and Levy just glares to shut him up which he would cower in fear.Soft chuckles ans giggles can be heard but Gajeel glares at them and they shut up.They soon joined Mira and Laxus on opposite sides.

Wendy and Romeo came in next. Wendy wears the same dress and her hair is tied in two pigtails with ribbons on each end. Romeo also wears a suit like the guys. If you look closer, you could see that their cheeks are tinted with pink. They then joined the others, Wendy on the left and Romeo on right.

Jelal and Erza came in next. They also wore dresses like the others. Jellal was looking away from Eza while she is doing the same. They soon joined the others.

Lucy and Natsu came in next. Lucy was wearing a white dress mixed with light blue. Her hair in a half pony adorned with blue ribbon. Natsu was also wearing a suit butis slightly uncomfortable but he doesn't want Lucy to be mad at him so he endures it. They part ways, Natsu on the right side with Gray and Lucy on the left side.

"Congrats dude." Natsu whispered in a hushed tone so only Gray can hear it. Gray just nodded and looked staight ahead to met his bride.

The music started and everyone stand up and faced the door to meet the bride. The doors were opened and came in the bride.

Juvia was escorted by Makarov. She was wearing a very simple wedding dress with fading light blue on the lower part of the dress. She picked a veil that wasn't covering her face. Her hair was done in a clean bun adorned with a blue rose on the back of it. She was wearing a light make-up to bring out her natural beauty. She was also holding a bouquet of hyacinths. She was very beautiful and no one can deny the fact.

On the other side, Gray was stunned and shocked to see Juvia in a wedding dress very beautiful. "Wow." he mumbled to himself still staring at her.

They reached the end of the aisle and Makarov handed Juvia to Gray while muttering, "Take care of her, child."

Gray gladly took her hand and they faced the priest. The ceremony go on and on and until it was finally time for the vows. The priest motioned for the ring carrier, Asuka, to come forward. The bride and groom took hod of the rings.

"Do you, Gray Fullbuster, take Juvia Lockser to be your lawfully wedded wife in sickness and in health, to nurture and grow with throughout the seasons in life till death do you part?" the priest asked.

"I do." Gray said while putting the ring on Juvia's ring finger looking straight in her eyes not breaking the eye contact.

"Do you, Juvia Lockser, take Gray Fullbuster to be you lawfully wedded husband in sicknes and in health, to nurture and grow with throughout the seasons in life till death do you part?" the priest once again asked.

"I do." Juvia said and put the ring on Gray's ring finger looking in his eyes.

"You may now kiss the bride."the priest said. Gray leaned in and Juvia kissed on the lips with Juvia kissing back. "I present to you, Gray and Juvia Fullbuster." Everyone clapped and cheered for them.

"All the drinks on Gray!" Makarov yelled while everyone run ahead to go to the guild.

All the couples hand in hand laughing and running together with the other following behind. Gray smiled and carried Juvia bridal style running ahead of the others laughing.

When everyone arrived to the guild, everyone started to drink and party. The slow music played.

"Can I have this dance, Mrs. Fullbuster?" 'I like how that sounds.' thought Gray. "Sure, Mr. Fullbuster."

Everyone cheered for having them take the first dance of the night. They were very happy. Gray kissed Juvia full on the lips to which she kissed back.

This is just the beginning of their yet to be revealed fairy tale. Water and ice do mix well with each other. And to think it all started with them at first being enemies, from stalking, obsession, and to love blossoming with them. True enough, Gray fell for his shadow......

A/N. Did you like how it went and how it end? I hope so. This is just the beginning of their fairy tale or should I say Fairy Tail? Anyways, thanks for all the reads and sorry for updating rather late. I don't know how to write this chapter so yeah. I just made a new one-shot. It's a NaLu so please read it. It's title is 'You Belong With Me ( A NaLu One-shot)'. I'll really appreciate it if you read it. Bye!

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