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Chapter Two

Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA

 Valeria Dronto looked proudly at herself in the mirror. "Valeria Dronto," she said to her reflection. "You look awesome!" Granted that it was only 7:30 in the morning and her really curly was kinda all over the place. She quickly smoothed it down as best she could without a brush and headed upstairs because her bedroom was in the basement.

No one in her family was up yet, so she fixed herself some cereal. Her kitty Mr. Meow Meow launched himself onto the table and meowed at Valeria. "Well, hello to you too, Mr. Meow Meow." Valeria petted his head and he purred loudly. "Wanna help me design some new outfits?" she asked the cat. He meowed in resonse.

Valeria finished her cereal and then went back toward her bedroom. Mr. Meow Meow followed close behind. "Come my kitty!" She beconed Mr. Meow Meow onto the bed and jumped onto it herself. She pulleed out her sketchpad and iPad.

After a while, there was a knock at the door and Valeria's mom appeared. "Did you eat yet?"

Valeria nodded without looking up.

"How about Mr. Meow Meow?"

Valeria's head snapped up and she lept out of bed. "Nope, oops forgot!" She rushed past her mom and dashed up to the kitchen again. She reached toward the panrty and took out some cat food. As soon as she opended the can, Mr. Meow Meow came running. "Here ya go!" Valeria put the cat food down and Mr. Meow Meow gobbled it up.

Valeria's mom came up and there was ringing too. Valeria got up and looked curiously in the basement direction where she saw her mom holding her phone. It was ringing. Her mom handed it to her. "Hello?" Valeria answered it.

"Hey!" a peppy girl's voice replied.

"Addy?" Valeria sat back down. "Why are you calling me so early in the morning?"

"Turn on Nick right now!" Addy shrilled. "Hurry!  Before it's too late!"

"Um, ok." Valeria turned on the mini tv in the kitchen and flipped it to Nick.

"I am here live with One Direction!" The girl on tv was stadning next to One Direction. "They are now going to have their own show on TeenNick! Their first episode will be airing in a month! Do you guys have anything to say about the show?" The girl turned toward Harry and Zayn who were standing closest to her.

"We're just so happy and grateful to have our own show over here in America." Harry said. The others nodded in a greement.

"Is there anythig that you can tell us about the first episode?" The girl asked, now inching closer toward Niall and Louis.

"It involves girls!" Niall winked at the camera.

"Five to be exact." Louis butted in.

"Five girl look-a-likes to be precise." Liam pointed out.

All of the boys turned toward Liam and covered his mouth quickly. It was probably very awkward to reach over a person and cover another person's mouth on television. Liam looked sorta shocked and then his eyes widened. The rest of the boys looked at the camera and smiled nervously.

"Um, ok......!" The girl looked at them quistionaly and then turned back toward the camera. "One Direction everyone." That short little thing ended with the boys still covering Liam's mouth and them all smiling somewhat. 

Valeria's phone rang again. "Addy?"

"Um, excuse me?" There was a British male accent on the other line.

"Oh!" Valeria cleared her throat. "I'm sorry. I thought you were my friend, oops." She took the phone away from her ear and looked at the caller I.D. Unknown it said. She shook her head to clear it and put it back to her ear.

"You may think of me as your friend when you her who I am." the man continued. "I'm Simon Cowell."

Valeria stood there, shocked and even dropped her cell phone. She quickly snapped out of it, and picked up the phone. "S-Simon Cowell?!" Valeria said in disbelief.

"That's me." Simon said.

"Um......" Valeria's mind was blank. 'What the heck should I say?' she tought desperately. Finally, she came up with something. "Why are you calling me and how did you get my cell number?"

"Ah, so many good questions in so little time." Simon sighed.

Valeria's mom looked at Valeria in interest. "Who is that?" she mouthed.

Valeria shook her head at her mom and continued talkining. "Um, so?"

"Ah, yes." Simon said. "Would you like to be on the new tv show for One Direction?"

"OMIGOSH!!" Valeria squealed. "Are you kidding me?!" Valeria's mom looked at her strangely.

"Nope." Simon popped the p. "I've seen a picture of you on Facebook and Twitter, and I have to say, you look a lot like Harry Styles."

"Wow," Valeria breathed.

"Are your parent there?"


"Can I please talk to them about arranging your trip to LA to perform?"

"Sure." Valeria covered the mouthpiece and looked at her mom. "IT'S SIMON COWELL!!!" she practically yelled.

"Really?" Valeria's mom eyebrows went up in surprise.

"He wants to talk to you about me being on One Directions new tv show!" Valeria handed her the phone. "Please say I can go!"

"Hello?" Valeria's mom said into the phone. She walked away into the living room to chat.

As soon as she was gone, Valeria rushed toward the house phone and dialed Addy's cell number.

"Hello?" It was Addy.

"GUESS WHAT GUESS WHAT!!!!!!" Valeria shouted into the phone.

"WHAT?!?!" Addy shouted back.

"I'm going on One Direction's new show!" Valeria squealed.

"Really?!?" Addy exclaimed. "I am soooooo jealous!" 

"Well," Valeria said. "I am sooooo happy!" She thought for a moment. "I'll send ya autographed stuff and tons of pics!"

"You da best, girl!" Addy gushed. There was some shouting in the background. It sounded like her parents. "Sorry, got ta go." There was a click and Addy was gone.

Valeria went into the living room right as her mom was coming out and they bumped into each other. "Oh, sorry!"Her mom said. "Here's your cell phone." She handed it to Valeria.

"So, how'd it go Mom?" Valeria put the phone in her pocket and  looked expectedly at her mother.

"It went great, and you can go!" her mom said smiling.

"Great!" Valeria exclaimed, jumping around. "When do I leave for LA?"

"Three days."

"Oh! Yippee!" Valeria hugged her mom. "Can't wait!"

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