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A/N: Heyo peeps!! Thanks for all the voting, fanning and commenting! I really appreciate that! Enjoy the story and comment and vote on this one too. Also I do have another 1D fan fic so can you please go and read that one if you liked this one? thanks enjoy the chapter!!


Chapter Seven

The limo pulled up to some mexican restaurant. Harry was out of the limo before it even stopped. "TACOOOOOS!!!!" he screamed, running into the restaurant, with his hands up.

"Harry!" Louis yelled, chasing after him. The rest of the boys ran crazily toward the restaurant.

The girls all got out and watched the boys act like the idiots they are. They looked at each other. "Could they get any stranger?" Chloe laughed.

Colleen smiled. "Probably."

"After all, Liam is afraid of spoons." Allie pointed out. "That's strange enough."

"True," Valeria said.

"Over all, they're just plain weird!" Ellie laughed. "But in that cute boy way." They all nodded in agreement and headed toward the entrance.

They all entered the restaurant and found the boys standing in line. Niall turned around. "They made it outta the limo!" he announced kind of loudly.

"Now we can eat!" Louis proclaimed as the waitress led them to a table in the back and a little out of sight.

When they were passing other tables, people started giving them suspicious looks, especially the tables with teenage girls. "Uh, Harry?" Colleen whispered to Harry.

"Yeah?" Harry asked, glancing at a table.

"Shouldn't you have body guards or something here?" Colleen looked nervously around.

"We're fine here." Zayn butted in.

"You sure?" Valeria asked, listening in.

"Very." Louis nodded.

"Here is your table," The waitress gestured toward a big booth that was in a circle. "What would you like to drink?"

"Water." they all chorused.

The waitress cracked a smile. "Alright. I'll go get those while here are your menus." She passed the menus out, and the boys immediately opened theirs.

"Do you think the waitress will blow your cover?" Chloe asked all the boys. "I mean, she looks about 18. She probably knows about you guys."

"She didn't seem like she did." Harry said, looking up from his menu. "If she recognized us, she would at least be trying to flirt."

"I thought that was your job!" Ellie teased. Harry's cheek's reddened, and he pulled his menu up to cover his face. 

The girls laughed while the waitress came back with five drinks. "Can only carry five," she apologized as she raced back toward the kitchen.

"I'm ready to order!" Niall announced, slamming his menu down and smiling.

"Good for you Nialler!" Louis smiled. "Now let us order."

The waitress came back with five more waters. "Are you ready to order?" she asked, looking at all of them.

"Yes!" Niall practically shouted. He started rambling all he wanted out in a slurred rush.

The waitress just stood there, staring at him. She didn't bother to write down his order because he was saying it so fast and it was A LOT. After he was done, the waitress looked at Niall like he was crazy. "First of all, you can eat the much?!? Second of all, SLOW DOWN!" She put her hands on her hips.

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