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7/4/12 <- American Independence day! And also one of my friend's bday! :D

Author's Note: Yo everyone! Just a small favor to anyone who reads this: PLEASE comment! I would really appreciate that and if ya realized, these chapters kinda have a repeated pattern of getting into the show, but after this chapter, it starts to get more interesting, I promise. Anywho, enjoy and hopefully I don't bore you all to tears


Chapter Five

Loveland, Colorado, USA

"Yo peeps!" Colleen Rae shouted at her computer.

"Hey girl!" Kathryn Carmichael yelled back from the other side of the computer. They were both Skyping each other. Her twin sister, Daisy, was standing next to her.

"How are you enjoying Ireland?" Colleen asked.

"It's AWESOME!" Daisy exclaimed, jumping a little bit.

"Wish you could come," Kathryn sighed.

"I could've," Colleen shrugged. "But my parents just don't understand the joy of going to another country."  She looked away from the screen and muttered, "Plus, my passport is expired."

"What was that Colleen?" Kathryn asked.

"Oh, um, nothing." Colleen turned back towards the computer screen, and smiled. "So, where are you guys right now?"

Kathryn and Daisy exchanged excited glances and then looked back. "MULLINGAR!!!" They shouted together really loud.

"My eardrum..." Colleen rubbed her ear. "But that's great guys." Kathryn and Daisy nodded vigorously while having a mischievous grin on their faces. Colleen looked at them suspiciously. "What are you two thinking?"

 "We're gonna go looking for Niall's house!" Daisy giggled.

"Jeez guys!" Colleen smiled. "Tell me when ya find it and take a pic so I can see it." She was joking, but the twins took it literally.

"Ok!" Kathryn said. "We will!" After that, they both said good-bye and left.

"They're crazy." Colleen laughed to herself, while closing her laptop. 

"Who's this Niall guy they were talking about?"

Colleen looked at her bedroom door to see her 17 year old step-brother, Jesse, standing there. "Go away, Jesse." Colleen groaned and threw a pillow in his direction. 

Jesse caught it, and threw it back. "Nice try, little sis."  He walked further into Colleen's room.

"Hey!" Colleen exclaimed, turning toward her brother. "I'm not that much younger than you!" She gave a huff and stood up. "Just by a year."

"You're still younger than me," Jesse walked up to her. "Whether you like it or not."

"Yeah, yeah." Colleen plopped onto her bed. "Whatever Jessica."  She snickered.

Jesse glared at her. "You know my name is not Jessica!"

"Who cares?" Colleen said. "It's funny, and you know I love a good laugh." 

"Yes, I know." Jesse inched closer to Colleen's bed. "So, you wouldn't care if I did this?" He lunged toward Colleen, and started tickling her.

"Hey!" Colleen started laughing and tried to roll away from him.

"Oh, no ya don't!" Jesse pulled her back.

"Alright!" Colleen giggled. "It's.....haha....on!" She gasped between breaths. Then when she had the chance, she started tickling her step-brother back. After a while, Colleen grabbed a pillow and started hitting Jesse with it.

"Ok!" Jesse stood up and put his hands up like he was surrendering. "I give up!" 

"Ya-hoo!" Colleen fist pumped the air with a pillow in her hand. "I win!"

Suddenly, there was a loud beep from Jesse's pocket. He looked down in confusion and pulled out his phone. "Gotta go." Jesse rushed out of Colleen's bedroom. "See ya!" He called.

Colleen smiled. She looked at Jesse more as a friend, rather than a brother, because he is her step-brother. Her parent's divorced two years ago, and Colleen stayed with her mom, along with her actual brother, who was 5 and his name was David.

Her dad kept her thirteen year old sister named Skylar, and they live in Florida. Sometimes they go over and visit, but her dad also just got married to someone else, and she's less keen to go visit.

Colleen still kept her dad's last name, which is Rae, but soon that's going to be changed to Haley. Colleen's step mom has five kids; 17 year-old Jesse, 4 year-old Veronica, 11 year-old twins Lexi and Gwen, and last but not least, 9 month year-old Clayton.

Colleen got up to check her email. After that, she walked over to her closet and grabbed her guitar case. She pulled up a chair in front of her mirror and started strumming some easy chords on the guitar.  She then pulled out sheet music for One Thing and started playing that. That got her thinking of Kathryn and Daisy in Ireland, and that lead up to thinking about One Direction.

The phone ringing jolted her out of her thoughts. She jumped, and the guitar made a horrible noise as she messed up the chord. "Arg..." she groaned, and continued playing.

"Colleen!" Colleen heard Lexi and Gwen sing-song up the stairs. "Someone wants to talk to you!" The twins came barging into her room and Gwen handed her the phone. "Sounds lie a British guy." The two left Colleen staring at the phone.

"Uh..." Colleen put the phone to her ear. "Hello?"

"Is this Colleen Rae?" The twins were right, it was a British guy.

"Yes." Colleen said. "And who are you?"

"Simon Cowell."

"Oh," Colleen said like she didn't believe this guy. "Really?" She made sure because her friends Jackson and Taylor have prank called her before, pretending to be celebrities. They were pretty good at faking voices, because the first couple of times, Colleen actually believed them. So now when she hears a famous voice, she is always cautious.

Simon chuckled. "Yes, really." He paused. "I have called you to ask if you would like to be on One Direction's new tv show."

"As an extra?" Colleen asked, excited.

"Better yet, as one of the lead rolls!" Simon said. Colleen just sat there, speechless. "I have seen your picture on Facebook, and you look a lot like Louis Tomlinson."

"Wow," Colleen breathed. "That's a complete shocker to me."

"Oh, really?" Simon asked. "Well, go ask your parents if you can."

Colleen left and came back in five minutes. "They said I can go!" she squealed. "Wait, when exactly do I go?"

"Three days."

"Oh! Ok." Colleen smiled. "Gotcha. See ya then Simon! Bye!" She hung up and let out a loud "WOO HOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"


Author's note: hey! anyone enjoy it! Alrighty, please read my other story if you are much enjoying this one! ;D

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