Chapter 15 ~ part one

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A/N: This is going to be told like you are actually watching the tv and seeing this in your home or something. Ok, maybe that didn't need an explanation, but it's not from the girl's and 1D's point of view. Are you catchin what I'm throwin? No? ok O_o Enjoy, comment and vote please! ;D


Chapter 15

The theme song is Up All Night NOT What Makes You Beautiful. Shocker right? It showed all cast members doing something crazy and their name right next to it. After that, it showed the boys all sleeping in their individual rooms, all but Niall and Louis. It was 8:30 in the morning and Niall's stomach was growling.

"Shut your stomach up!" Louis whispered shouted to Niall."Hey!" Niall pouted. "It's not my fault I'm always hungry!"

"Well it's not mine!" Louis sighed. "We'll feed you after we wake up the lads." He had an evil look on his face and he pushed Harry's door open. "C'mon!" Louis gestured toward Niall who hurried into the room. "Ready, GO!" Louis flipped on the bright lights, causing Harry to turn around, but not open his eyes.

"WAKE UP HARRY! WAKE UPI YOU LAZY HEAD!!" Louis and Niall shouted together while Niall strummed random guitar chords really loud.

"WE HAVE A CONCERT TODAY AND THERE'S A REALLY HAWT GIRL IN YOUR ROOM!" Louis added rather joyfully, waving his arms around like a maniac.

"Where?" Harry bolted straight up, all signs of sleepiness gone.

"Aw, you just missed her Hazza!" Niall grinned and played an E chord. "She was checkin you out to, all snug in your bed! And...naked." Niall laughed.

Harry looked down and quickly looked back up, looking a bit embarrassed. "You're messing with me, aren't you?"

"Duhr!" Louis rolled his eyes as if it wasn't clear enough.

"Blech, whatever!" Harry started to pull of his covers and then stopped. He looked up at Louis and Niall. "You better scurry before I flash you!" He chuckled and continued pulling his covers off.

"Ok! Leaving now!" Niall dashed out of Harry's room.

"I'll stay." Louis grinned, planting his butt on the edge of Harry's bed.

"" Harry shoved Louis off the bed with his foot. "I love you Boo Bear, but......"

"Ok, ok." Louis ran out of Harry's room while Harry closed the door.

"Let's do Zayn!" Naill jumped up and down like a little kid on Christmas day.

"Let's get him!" They crept toward Zayn's room. "Ready? GO!" Louis flipped on the lights and Zayn sat up quickly. He had a very confused expression on his face.

"DUN DUN DUN DUN!! WAKEY WAKEY TIME VAINY ZAYNY!" Louis howled right in Zayn's ears.

"Argh! Lou!" Zayn groaned and smacked Louis in the face with a pillow.

Louis pouted. "He did it too!" He tattled on Niall like a little kid would.

Zayn threw a pillow at Niall who went frantically running out of the room and didn't return. Zayn death glared Louis.

"Hehe..." Louis smiled nervously and started to walk towards the door. "I'll be leaving!" He dashed out quickly and the door closed behind him.

"Two down! One to go!" Louis declared, seeing Niall standing outside of Liam's door.

They opened the doors to his room and walked in. Niall yelled "SPOOOOONS!!!" really loud and strum the guitar while Louis flipped on the lights.

"Where's Liam?" Niall asked in question. Liam was not in his bed. They stepped closer to his bed.

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