We're Not a Couple

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There was nothing really good in the cave.  Just a few items and some trainers that I refused to battle.  I use Ride my Rayquaza out of the cave and return him to my pokeball. 

Zorua had almost been traumatised.  I had to convince her that she would be alright and that I would never let anything like that happen again.

That event changed something inside of me.  It made me want to find out more about Team Plasma.  I grab my bike, make sure Zorua is tucked safely in my bag and ride off to Nacrene City.  But for some reason I have the feeling that I am being watched.  I look with my eyes, without turning my head but see nothing.

"Zorua,"  I whisper, "Do you sense something?  Like we're being watched?" 

Zorua's head pops out of the bag and she looks around.  "No, why, do you see something?"

"No."  And when i say the word, the sensation disappears.  "....maybe it was just me."

At the gate of the city I find a nice bush to put my bike in.  I lay it down in the bush that's close to the sign that tells this city's name and cover it up with leaves so it's camouflaged.

I stand up strait again and wipe the remaining leaves off of me.  When I turn around, somebody is standing there, watching me.

"Hello, Leaf."  It's N.  The green haired guy who's identity, I think, is still a mystery.

"What are you-"

"I wanted to talk to you,"  he says, walking to my side, "walk with me, will you?"  He puts his hand around my waist like it's the most normal thing for him, and he shows me around the city.

"Have you heard of the Legendary dragon and fire Pokemon that created this region?"

Dragon AND fire, is that even possible?  I want that sucker, now.

"No, no, I have not, tell me."

"Well, my father told me that there were two legendary dragon Pokemon that created this region, one with the power of fire, the other, electricity.  They were once a whole, and that dragon Pokemon created a new land with the help of twin heroes.  That was when people and Pokemon lived their days happily.  But one day... one hero wanted to know the truth, while the other sought ideals.  A dividing struggle began and the dragon Pokemon that had once walked with both brothers split in two to help support both.,"  N gives me a sideways glance, "  The dark dragon sided with the brother who sought ideals, it searched the world for them... it's name was Zekrom.  Then, the other, a light dragon that sought the truth sided with the brother who sought the same.  It sought through the past for the truth, its name was Reshiram.  The two being equal entities from the very start only made the quarrel more violent. Whichever side won, they would end up absolutely exhausted....The twin heroes, too, could not find either to be right in their struggle... So the struggle was ended.... and yet, ... The heroes sons began to struggle again... so Reshiram and Zekrom used their lightning and flames to eradicate Unova in an instant.... But if people hadn't been mistaken about how to get along with Pokemon, the world wouldn't have been destroyed! So Reshiram and Zekrom did their best for everyone and made a new land!"

"And why are you telling me this?"  I ask, confused.

"Because it is history, very important history.  And after the dragons made the new land, they turned into stones.  And one of those stones is in fact, in this very town."  He leads me into some sort of cafe and sits me down like a real gentleman, pulling out the chair for me and everything.

"Which stone and where?"  He sits down across from me and the waitress comes over to take our order.

"What would you two love birds like to order today?"  The waitress asks, gleaming with her paper to write it down and pen.

A Leaf in the Wind (PKMN Watty 2nd Best Romance 2013)Where stories live. Discover now