Feelings Come to Show

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Is it weird that I am fangirling the crap out of my own story.  I mean, as I write this I'm like YES YES!  DO IT N!  MAKE YOUR MOVE.  (oop, spoilers) But it is just all these great ideas are coming to me it's insane.  Somebody needs to fangirl with me, cmon.

I stop dead in my tracks.  N?  Why is he even here?   What's going on?  I hope this doesn't end like I think it will.  Well it better not.

"What are you doing here, N?"  I ask, as we walk up the ramp to the boat/ship thing.

"Well, I saw you and your Zorua and thought it would be nice if we could er, well talk I suppose."   He rubs the back of his neck idly and then hands some guy our tickets.

"Well you could have at least let me pay for my own ticket, I'm not some little kid."  N doesn't say anything after that, instead we try and find where we are going to sit.  Neither of us rented a room so we're sort of aimlessly wondering around.

"If you two want a place a little more private, you can go to the deck, the view is very beautiful this time of day."  Says one of the crew members of the ship, pointing to a staircase that goes up.  N and I look at each other then we come to some sort of nonverbal agreement and we up the stairs.

The deck has nobody on it, accept us, as the crew member had said and the view is very romantic.  BUT I'M NOT THINKING OF THIS AS A DATE!  IT IS NOT A DATE!  ME AND N ARE JUST FRIENDS... IF EVEN THAT.  I'M NOT EVEN SURE OF OUR OWN RELATIONSHIP!

We walk over to one side and look over the rail at the scenery.  The sun is setting and the windows of the skyscrapers are reflecting the setting sun, making beautiful sparkles appear over the city.  The effect of the sunset against the water is mesmerising as well.  Whoah... deja vu.

I decide to break the silence with some news that I don't know if N knows yet or not.  I look up to N, who is about six inches taller than me.  "Did you know that Team Plasma broke into the museum and stole the skull of the dragon fossil.  Not to mention Ghetsis stole my friend's Pokemon, of course, I went and got it back, but they stole it!  They don't even treat the Pokemon right when they steal them, they put it in a cage!"  I sort of let my anger out on him...

N keeps his eyes locked on the Skyarrow bridge up ahead. "Yes, I knew that.  But you went to free the pokemon?  Why?"

"Well OF COURSE I'm going to free it.  Those jerks stole my Pokemon too.  No Pokemon should be locked up.  It isn't right to steal things anyway.  I'm going to be sure to teach them a lesson."

N looks down at me and smiles a bit.  "You know, I think it would be good for you to just forget all of that for a bit, it's not good for you."  He fiddles with the void cube type thing attached to his belt.

"... What is that?"  I point to the cube thing.

"This?"  He lifts the wooden puzzle cube up a bit.  "This is just a little game I like to play when I get bored."  He turns a side and that messes up the patterns on four sides of it.  Then he turns it back. "It enhances the mind... my mother gave it to me when I was little."

I hesitate before asking because this may be a touchy subject.  "Where is your mother now?"  I don't look into his eyes, instead I look down at the water.

He does the same.  "She died."

I nod sadly, "Oh... do you have any brothers or sisters?"

He shakes his head.  "I was going to have a little brother, but my mother and the baby passed away during child birth."

I look back up and he's still starring at the water but with no emotion on his face, a single tear streaks down his face.  "Sorry, N."

He wipes the tear away, not caring if I notice now.  "It's fine.  What happens happens.  You need several elements to create a chemical formula.  I think of the elements as the problems in life that shape who I am.  But who am I, really?"

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