The Pokemon League and N's Castle

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Hopefully this chapter will be really freaking long like I intend it to be.  But now I probably just jinxed it.  Oh well we'll see.  Also I am sorry because I am a jerk.  That is what I am.  I am a turd for not posting.  It's all my fault.  Blame me.  But I am indeed rather sorry even though I will probably do it again... but there will be one last chapter after this one I am thinking.  Maybe more, it depends on when I get Pokemon black 2.  That game is going to be so bad ass holy crap.  Okay now REEEEEAAAD.

 Also the song I add to this I thought would fit Leaf's perspective.  Just imagine Pamela being N and it would make sense.

Cheren and I walk through the Moor of Icirrus which sort of ironically but not ironically there.  It's some weird swamp shit I don't know how to describe it but we walk through that getting our shoes a bit soggy and we reach the Tubeline bridge which is one of my favorite bridges so far actually.

You can see trains or whatever going under it while your walking over it.  And the architecture is pretty cool Cheren and I agree.

The Tubeline bridge leads to route 9 where there is a rather interesting shopping mall that I overlook but Cheren wants to look at it so I go in with him and walk around. Cheren wants to shop.  Cheren is a guy.  I thought guys don't like to shop what?

They do have some cool stuff in there I admit.  Like carbos and crap.  I don't get any though because I can't give my pokemon anymore, also I have a bunch anyway so it doesn't matter.

After a few minutes of shopping we leave with whatever it is Cheren bought while I wasn't looking.  He told me he was broke so I lent him 10,000 pokedollars.  He should be able to pay me back...

Then we go into Oplecid City which is a really weird city with neon blue lights and crap on the houses.  The only building that is different is the freaking gym or something.  It just looks out of place.  Wow that is bugging me. 

Just a few yards into the City we see a crowd of people surrounding some tall guy with green hair.  I see plenty of Team Plasma signs held high and I squint my eyes in disgust. 

"Ew."  I say to myself.  "Gross.  Kill me now, oh my god that is disgusting."

"What?"  Cheren asks, thinking I'm being literal about something. 

"Are you blind?"  I ask sarcastically, pointing at the team Plasma junk in front of us.

Anyway.  Ghetsis and his crazy ass are giving some speech saying that N has the Legendary Pokemon and that everybody better set their Pokemon free else they will be taken away from each other.  And in doing that or something, they will create a new world.

His speach put the crowd of people in turmoil. 

I force my way to the front of the crowd and stand up in front of Ghetsis and face the people. 

"WELL HEY GUESS WHAT?  YOU GUYS DON'T HAVE TO SET YOUR POKEMON FREE!  CAUSE I'M GONNA KICK THIS GUY'S ASS!"  I point to Ghetsis and his creepy red eye stares into my soul... it feels like that thing is poisoning me just looking at it.  "YEA I WILL.  CAUSE I'M THE BITCH WITH THE OTHER BAD ASS LEGENDARY POKEMON THAT'S WHY!  NOT TO MENTION THE FACT THAT I'M THAT ONE GIRL I'M SURE YOU ALL ARE FAMILIAR WITH........ Leaf."

The crowd gasps and I hear someone say something along the lines of 'I knew it'.  Ha.  These people are great.  I thought somebody said that they would recognise me right off the bat.

I get up in his face, toe to toe.  "You wanna go?  C'mon man.  I'm gonna kick your ass.  Let's go.  Right here.   Right now."  I smile and toss my pokeball back and forth between my hands.

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