Chargestone Cave

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That's okay though, I just get my Entei to come out and tell him to blast the thing with flamethrower or something and it goes up in flames, making it safe to walk through.  After the flames go out of course.

Chargestone Cave huh.  There are floating rocks effected my magnetism that you have to move to get through.

But I don't even get ten feet past the entrance before I get ambushed by some creepy ninja guys that practically came out of nowhere.  There are three of them that surround me and tell me to follow them and I won't get hurt.  Eh, if I wanted to I bet I could take em.  But I wanted to see where exactly they were taking me.

They kept quite the whole of the time we were walking.  But our stopping point was simply the other end of the cave.

"You led me to the exit.  Well okay thanks then."  I started to walk away even though I knew they were going to hold me back.  I wonder what they want.  But then a familiar voice chimed in.

"It's okay you three, you can let her go, she won't escape."  It was N.  He walked out from behind a non-floating rock.

"My Lord N, we brought the one you wanted."   Their Lord raises his hand, dismissing them and they bow and disappear.

N comes closer to me and sits on a rock, patting the extra space next to him for me to come sit.  When I sit he says,"Ah yes, that was the Shadow Triad just now. Ghetsis enlisted them in Team Plasma. Apparently they were the ones who prepared the Galvantula nest at the cave entrance.  Pretty good at what they do, eh?"

"Well yea I suppose, were they the ones I felt watching me on the route before Nacrene City?"

N looks surprised.  "They must have let their guard down then.  But yes, I told Ghetsis about you and your friends.  After I did, he apparently used the Shadow Triad to find out about you. Cheren is pursuing the ideal of strength. Poor Bianca has faced the sad truth that not everyone can become stronger. And you are not swayed either way--more of a neutral presence. Which is apparently a good thing.  Ghetsis wants to see what kind of Pokémon Trainer you really are.  I think he wants to see who's side you will end up on."

"So is he using you to get to me?  Or are your feelings for me sincere?"  Perfect,  this is where I get the truth of our relationship out of him.

"No Leaf, I would never agree to that.  He just wants to help me separate people from Pokemon.  The people who are mean to Pokemon shall be separated.  But people like you, Leaf, who treat their Pokemon kindly shall keep theirs.  And of course my feelings are sincere.  I like you, Leaf, I like you a lot."   He pulls me into an embrace and we hug for a few seconds.

I know he's telling the truth just by his voice.  I feel that I can trust him but maybe I'm letting my feelings get in the way.  Well if that's the case then I like the feelings.  The feels are good.  But separating the people and Pokemon... who will be the judge?  He quickly changes the subject.

"Chargestone Cave,"  N continues, "I like this place.  Formulas express electricity and it's connection to Pokemon... if people did not exist this would be an ideal place."

".....Wait.... what?  If people didn't exist?"  I scoot away from him a little freaked out.

He looks a bit hurt.  "Well, if people did not exist then Pokemon would be able to be free and live peaceful lives.  That's what Ghetsis and I are trying to do."

"How in the hell are you going to separate people from Pokemon?  It's not going to happen.  You can't do that to the whole world.  It's illogical.  Is that your dream?"  Reasoning with him may or may not be very hard. 

"Many different values mix together, and the world becomes gray... That is unforgivable! I will separate Pokémon and people, and black and white will be clearly distinct! Only then will Pokémon become perfect beings! Yes, that is my dream! That is the dream I must fulfill!"

"But N, you really need to just let the world be.  People who've tried to change the world to fit their liking have always failed.  I don't want you to get hurt. "

"That's very kind of you, but you're saying that I should just allow people to think whatever they want and treat Pokemon however they want, no matter whether the Pokemon suffer?  I refuse to tolerate the existence of a world like that!"

"I'm just saying that you can't CHANGE the world.  Only the Pokemon can.  And you know and I know that a lot of Team Plasma guys treat Pokemon horribly.  Ghetsis, I believe is just using you for his own foolish gain.  I wouldn't trust him.  Even if he is your father."

"I see then.  So that's how it will be.  Fine then.  Leaf.  I will see you whenever we meet the next time."  And he starts walking to the exit of the cave, which is glowing blue, reflecting the light.

I don't bother stopping him.

I don't know if we just broke up.

I don't even know if we were ever together.

He admitted that he did indeed have feelings for me but then he went on about liberating Pokemon.

If I liberate Pokemon as well then I will be guaranteed to keep my Pokemon and be with N.

But if I go against him and his ideals then will they come after me?  Will he not talk to me?

I leave the cave.  Outside there is no sign of N.  And I am in Mistralton City.

For now I just want to take my mind off of N so I head straight to the gym.  It's a flying type gym.  I could have guessed since this town has an airport cargo whatever. 

Skyla is the gym leader.  I battle her real quick, obtaining the Jet Badge.

"Zorua."  I get her attention after the battle.


"What do you think of N?"  She crawls up on my shoulder and whispers in my ear.

"I like him."  She says.  "I think he's nice.  His ideas about Pokemon liberation though. Some trainers don't deserve Pokemon but you can never fully separate one from the other."

"You've been eavesdropping on us haven't you?"  I smile down at her.

"Yep," She announces looking smug.  "I don't think you should be mad at him though.  He just has an opinion."

Hmm she's right.  But his opinion of the world could change the world for the worst.  Maybe not for him but for others.  It would be bad.  I'll have to go to Dagonspiral Tower because I just have a feeling that he's going to be there.  He's going to resurrect his Zekrom and the same will happen with my Reshiram I bet.  We will have to fight each other I just know.  That's what it will all come down to.

Watch me be right.

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