Chapter 1

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Today was the day, the long awaited day... the first day of school. My parents told me about all the exciting things that could possibly happen in this "school" thing. They told me it's a place where people go to learn things and become "smart", words that have never crossed my mind until now. I didn't think much of it. I have never experienced a day like this in my life, so there was no expectation to live up to. I patiently waited with my mother at the bus stop. We lived in a small apartment building, so there was no one, except us, at the bus stop. It was a quiet wait, or at least that's how I remember it. I am rather an introvert (and always have been), so even if my mother said something to me, I didn't take notice.

 I am rather an introvert (and always have been), so even if my mother said something to me, I didn't take notice

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Alas, the bus had finally arrived. It was decorated with adorable little animal characters illuminated by a colorful selection of pastels. I took a couple steps forward until I reached the start of the stairs. I looked up to the driver with my immensely charcoal eyes then started to climb. I slowly looked down the aisle, and all I saw were strange children bundled up in their own little circles like birds. By now, the driver was becoming impatient with me and I was to pick a seat. Nervous as I was, I picked a lonely seat by the window and waved my mother goodbye.

When we arrived, I followed the crowd to a big auditorium where the teachers were calling out random names

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When we arrived, I followed the crowd to a big auditorium where the teachers were calling out random names.

"Jacob Adams."

"Kiara Bonnet."

"Diana Featherstone."

Being that my name starts with a 'Z', I was last to be called.

"Avery Zara."

We followed our teacher, Mrs. Larson, to her classroom. On the way there, I thought to myself, "I must have a growth problem. Why is everyone here so much taller than me?" 

It was just like any normal first day for us.

"Hello, my name is, Mrs. Larson." etc.

I didn't really get to meet any of my new classmates, but I had no interest to anyway

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I didn't really get to meet any of my new classmates, but I had no interest to anyway. Not because I was stuck up or anything, I just didn't think I would need to get to know these people. Perhaps in the future we will eventually greet one another. 

Finally, the day came to an end, and it was time go back home. I have no idea why, but I was the last one to board the bus. This time, every seat was filled up. I looked around, and there were no available spots left. All of a sudden, the driver closed the door and was about to roll on. I felt a slight tap on my shoulder next to me. A boy with dark hair and light-colored skin signaled for me to sit next to him. I agree and sat down. We sat there in silence the entire ride. I was looking straight ahead out the window as we were sitting in the first row and had the same view as the driver. We both pondered about random things without the thought of the person sitting next to us crossing our minds... at least for me.

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