Chapter 13

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When I woke up, I rose from his shoulder unaware of the position we have been in for the last hour or so. I shook my head and saw Beckett sitting next to me staring off into space. I didn't care to ask what about. I was starting to get used to this blank yet cold expression of his. 

Next Day

It was finally Friday, and the first time I have talked to Gabrielle after the field trip

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It was finally Friday, and the first time I have talked to Gabrielle after the field trip. 

"So, how did it go yesterday?" she asked when she saw me get off the bus.

"It was good I guess."

"Really? Even though that guy was your partner?"

"Yeah, it was fine. He bought me pizza, so we're all good."

"He bought you pizza? How out of character of him."

"I know right."

We walked in school and went to class as usual.


I walked into the cafeteria talking to Gabby when all of a sudden, people starting making those annoying cheering sounds

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I walked into the cafeteria talking to Gabby when all of a sudden, people starting making those annoying cheering sounds. The same way they would at a football game or something. I just assumed it was for someone else and was no big deal. After a couple minutes, some people started coming up to me.

"So, how's it going?"

I looked at them with a puzzled expression, "Fine I guess."

Then they started giggling and walked away.

"That was weird." Gabby said as they were leaving us.

"I know right. What was that about?"

"I don't know."

"Oh yeah, hey Gabby,"

"What's up?"

"I have to stay after school today. I have a meeting, so I can't talk and won't be on my phone tonight."

"No it's fine. Have fun."

"I won't," I said, and we both chuckled. 

Out of nowhere, we saw Beckett walking up to me stomping angrily. He suddenly grabbed my arm and started to drag me out of the cafeteria. The other students started making that annoying cheering sound again. 

He took me to this one unoccupied, quiet hallway and slammed my shoulders into the lockers. He stared into my eyes as if he was about to tear my head off and trapped me within his arms. 

"I thought I told you to leave me alone and stay out of my life! Why are you trying to ruin me?! Is this funny to you?!" He took a deep breath, "I never want to see you again!" and with that, he slammed his hands into the lockers one last time before storming off. I was left dumbfounded and scared to find out what could have possibly been the problem. I couldn't recall anything THAT terrible I have done to him before.

Feeling depressed and confused, I slowly made my way back to Gabrielle.

"Hey, what happened to you?" Gabby asked as I was preparing to sit down.

"He got mad at me."


"That's the problem. I don't know."

"Hm, well I'm sure you'll find out sooner or later."

5 Hours Later

We were finally done with the meeting and made the preparations for the prom. No decorating, just planning that would stay within budget. 

"Hey Avery, congratulations. You guys are cute."

I looked at him utterly confused, "What are you talking about?"

"Oh, you haven't seen." He started to walk up to me while getting his phone out. He showed me a picture, and it was a photo of me and Beckett on the bus the other day. My eyes widened.

"See. Anyway, I have to go now." He waved at me, "Have fun."

I walked out of there now seeing why he was enraged at me. I must've ruined his reputation and his relationship with his girlfriend. I never meant for this to happen. I felt so guilty of ruining this poor guy's life.

I was walking for a little while until I heard a girl call out my name from afar

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I was walking for a little while until I heard a girl call out my name from afar.

"Hey! You! Avery!"

I turned around to see who it was. It was that girl we saw at the mall, Beckett's girlfriend. 

She grabbed both of my shoulders, pushed me to the ground, and got on top of me. She frantically shook my shoulders crying out:

"How could you do that?! Who are you?! Beckett is my boyfriend! How dare you try to steal him away!" She was shaking me and bashing my head into the concrete sidewalk. I didn't fight back. I couldn't knowing that everything she was saying was true. 

She continued to harass me until she felt like she had her fill and ran out of stamina. She inhaled deeply in an attempt to catch her breath.

"You're going to stay away from him. Don't make me have to come out here again." She walked away from my cold, dead body, and I was left there still deep in my thoughts. As soon as I stood up, I felt a major headache coming. I tried my best to cover my injuries and facial expression so that I wouldn't be questioned when I got home. 

I fell back on my bed contemplating about the recent events and the actions I should take in the future

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I fell back on my bed contemplating about the recent events and the actions I should take in the future. I found myself stuck in a mental hole for the rest of the night.

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