Chapter 32

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Suddenly, Beckett jumped up out of his chair to pick me up by my waist. He hugged me tightly as he lifted my feet up from the ground and twirled us around. I was so confused as to what was going on, but I can't say I didn't enjoy it. 

He finally put us down, but didn't let me go.

"I finally found you. I'm sorry I didn't realize it before."

"Oh my gosh," I hit his back, "I literally told you this a long time ago," I laughed which made him chuckle.

"Yes, I know. I really am sorry I didn't realize it before. I just thought you were some crazy girl."

"What are you talking about? I am just some crazy girl."

"No, you're MY crazy girl," I swear, this boy was being so adorable right now.

When we finally released from each other's hold, we saw the expression on his parents' faces.

"Aww," squealed the mother, "you guys are so sweet,"

Meanwhile, Mason was sitting there bamboozled by his son's reaction, "Gosh, Beckett. How did you not realize this sooner? She literally told you this to your face," he was, obviously, teasing him.

"I know," Beckett whined while rotating his head around in a circle.

"See, no wonder you guys have a connection to each other, you did a long time ago. What are the odds of this happening right?" explained Elizabeth.

"I know, you guys are weird," we both chuckled at his dad's reply.


Josh was in a mental whole. He was a good person, don't get me wrong, and he didn't deserve this. Yes, he came off a little harsh after he confessed, but who wouldn't be? Any heart would be crushed to find out the one you love is already being cared for by another. However, he took his situation in a quite positive and productive way. Some people would have wanted to, somehow, get revenge, but instead, he saw this as an opportunity to learn something. He never went back to his "player" lifestyle. Something in his head told him was the reason I rejected him was because of his reputation. That wasn't, in the slightest true, but I suppose he could benefit from having that mindset. He was determined to find the one fate made for him and keep her no matter what. Of course, he got confessed to by a couple more girls, but he rejected them all because he wanted to be sure. I don't blame him. In my opinion, that's the best way to save time.

Gabby was still upset about her breakup with Josh, but I eventually convinced her it was for the best and that now she was "single to mingle." That child worries me sometimes. She is such a free-spirited human with the purest heart you could imagine. It made me predict that maybe one day this world will chew her up and spit her out, but I'll be there when it happens.

Graduation Day

Yay, it was finally over

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Yay, it was finally over. I couldn't wait to start college. I heard it's way more exciting than high school, and yes, Beckett and I were still together. I know right? It's impressive for a high school couple to stay together for more than a year. College wasn't going to ruin our relationship either. Even though we are going to different schools, we will be close enough to each other because he wanted to pick a local school to avoid additional fees.

On the other hand, Gabby and I were going to the same school which means we are probably going to move in together. I was even more excited for that. I just hope we don't spend TOO much time together and eventually grow sick. I have never lived on my own before, so it'll be an eye opener to see what the real world was like.

As for our graduation gifts, Gabby and I are going on a trip to China. We have ever been to China, but I have taken Mandarin for the past four years now, so I should be good right? Then there's Gabby who knows how to count and say "hello," but that's pretty much it. Oh well, it'll be good practice for me.

Once we walked out of the auditorium, we were met up by our parents.

"Hi, guys. Congratulations," they both said when they greeted their child.

"I'm so proud of you."

"Thanks, Mom," and I gave her a huge hug.

"Hey, let me get a picture of you and Beckett."

"Okay, Beckett! Come here!"

He took a couple steps towards me, "Yes?"

"Let's take a picture together."


"Wait!" we heard a woman calling out who turned out to be Elizabeth, "I want a picture too."

We both posed for the camera, "Show me the love."

After a couple snaps, he lifted me off of my feet bridal style and smiled at me. I couldn't help but return the favor as we saw flashing lights come and go.

"Aww, you guys are cute," I kissed his cheeks and he put me down.

Then, I saw Gabby talking to her parents in the distance.

"Gabby!" I called out as I ran up to her. I ran into her arms as we squealed while jumping up and down.

"We're done!"

"I know!"

We also took numerous photos together, and even some with Josh because why not? It was a great graduation day. It meant the start of a new chapter for us, and I couldn't wait to get started.

Thank you guys so much for enduring my maddening make of writing. This is the first story I've written on Wattpad, but I hope for many more to come. I will try to become a better writer in the future, so stay tuned. 

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