||Mick Jagger||

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                                                                                          [A High School with a cliché plot AU]

                                                                                   [A Nameless Story. Enjoy it tho]

"Over there are the jocks, cheerleaders, preppies, band nerds, nerd nerds, emos, goths, geeks, freaks, bullies, wannabes, hippies, teachers pets, the lonely and the loners, punks..." Your newfound friend, Felicia started to point out everyone and what they classified as. You were new at school, and a social outcast desperate for a friend had decided to take you under her wing and show you around the school. So far you were uninterested in the school's cliques.

"... And the druggies," Felicia finished with a disapproving nod towards a group of people who looked for the most part either hung over or stoned. "But you can also call them teddy boys or rebels."

You stared over at them, slightly interested in them. For some reason you had always taken an interest towards the so called 'druggies' because they always were the people with the best backstories and the most dramatic ones about the hardships of real life and dealing with some serious stuff at a young age. They also told the best stories about when they were high or drunk, or fighting with their parents and doing other "cool" rebellious things.

As you were starting over at them, you caught the gaze of one of the so called "druggies." He didn't look like a druggie at all actually. He just didn't have that wild or dead look in his eyes. The teenage "druggie" had semi wavy dark brown hair and a pale complexion. He had crystal blue eyes and big lips. He was kinda hot, and he was smiling at you.

That's right, it was you and not at one of those pretty populars who was sitting behind you. Never before in your life had someone so attractive even dared to look at you, much less smile. You felt very uncomfortable in your seat, and Felicia seemed to notice that.

"(Y/n)? What's going on? Why are you looking over at the druggies, they're all bad news and will ruin your reputation," Felicia grabbed your arm to catch your attention.

You whipped back around to face her. "Huh?"

"You were staring over at the druggies! You shouldn't do that!" Felicia hissed at you and kept a quiet voice.

"But one of them was staring back!"

"So what? A druggie still is a druggie! You should go for a jock, they're pretty cute and strong and handsome and amazing," Felicia said a bit dreamily. "Plus they'll boost your social status which I recommend doing.

"But what if the druggie's cute?" You questioned Felicia and watch the expression on her face go from happy to concerned.

"That's impossible though, a druggie can never be cute-"

"Look over there and see," You gestured to the table and to the guy who was staring at you before. He seemed to notice that you were looking at him, so he turned around, smirked, and winked at you.

"D%&#! I hate to admit it, but you're right! Although he's probably not as good as a jock, that's for sure," Felicia flipped her hair and continued eating her salad. "And I don't pay any attention to them."

"Yeah," You felt yourself blushing at whoever the druggie was. You tucked a strand of your hair behind your ear and looked down at your food. You weren't even hungry because your stomach felt so full of butterflies. Could this be love at first sight? Or just attraction at first sight?

"Felicia?" You said.

"Yeah?" A green lettuce leaf was sticking right out of her mouth.

"Do you believe in love at first sight?" You asked.

Felicia shrugged. "I dunno, sometimes I guess."

"Oh, ok," You glanced back over at the druggie. "Do you know who he is?"

"Mmm," Felicia squinted her eyes, "I think his name is Mick, but I'm not so sure."

"That's sure an odd name," You reflected whilst staring at Mick. "Hey, do you think he likes me back. After all, he winked at me."

"Maybe he was just flirting or something," Felicia shrugged. "Don't get your hopes up though. But who knows, maybe he'll ask you out later or something."

The bell then rung, signaling the ending of lunch. You heard Felicia curse under her breath as she quickly shoved the remains of her salad in her mouth and ran off, leaving you behind. What a great friend, you thought to yourself as you stood up and threw away the rest of your lunch.

As you were walking in the hallways, the handsome druggie, Mick walked up to you. He smiled at you and opened his mouth to tell you something, and you were intent on listening to him. "Hey, I just saw ya today, are you new?" He said in a( n adorable) British accent.

You stared down at your feet. "Uh, yeah."

"I thought so," Mick said awkwardly while trying to keep up with you. When you were nervous, you would walk faster than normal, and since the halls were so crowded, you could see why Mick had trouble keeping up with you. "Well, uh, what class are you heading to next?"

"English, with my so called "friend" Felicia, but it doesn't seem like she's coming with me to class," You smiled and rolled your eyes at the mention of Felicia.

"Hehe, yeah, stay away from those wannabes like Felicia. They're bad news," Mick said.

"That's what she said about you druggies," You accidently stepped on the heels of the person in front of you. They turned behind and glared at you. You then gave them an apologetic look before facing back to Mick.

"We aren't as bad as everyone says we are. Heck, a lot of us actually don't do drugs-that often or at all. You know what, if ya give us a shot, I'd bet you'd like us."

"Really?" You tilted your head to the side.

"Yeah," Mick paused. "How would you like to-"

"Gah! Sorry Mick," You said sympathetically. "My English class is right here. We can talk after school though."

"Oh," A flash of hurt shone in Mick's eyes. "Ok," He then smiled. "You do that then, and have fun with English class, love-"

You didn't here when Mick called you 'love' for you were already in the classroom. Mick watched you walk away with a smirk on his face. "Hm, maybe next time."

Edit: Edited and spellchecked! 

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