||Keith Richards||

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'WhAt a gOod GUitaR rIff, mAn'

[Why did I write this?]

The golden rays of sunshine from the rising sun shone through the thin curtains of the windows. The light filtered onto the ground and filled up the room with a nice warm light. You could hear birds chirping up a storm outside, and you could hear a few neighbors stirring about in their homes nearby.

You had just woken up from your slumber and were currently in your bed. You heard gentle (yes still annoying) snoring besides you.

You turned to your right and saw your husband, Keith Richards, still asleep. He had a very concerned expression on his face, and looked as if he were concentrating very hard on something. Oh what a shame it would be if someone were to wake him... You thought deviously and smirked at the sleeping Keef.

Leaning in towards him, you kissed him right on his cheek, then his nose, and then finally his lips. Once you were satisfied with that, you sat back and waited for Keith to wake up.

He didn't yet which was quite odd. Doing that to him usually woke him up. With a slight frown on your face, you leaned in towards him once again, this time you were going to yell in his ear to wake up. But before you could do so, Keith 'magically' awoke from his sleep and sat up straight. "AND THUS WITH A KISS, I DIE!"

He scared the living daylights out of you to say the least. You jumped back and made a weird 'Ahh' noise and almost fell off of the bad. Keith caught you before you could fall off and pulled you back onto the bed. He then proceeded to hold you against him. It was a very weird hug, and it was very tight.

"Woah Keith! No need to get sentimental there!" You giggled and pulled away from him.

"Did I get sentimental?" Keith reflected while smiling.

"Only a little bit," You nodded. "So, you quoted something from Shakespeare when you woke up. It kinda scared the living daylights outta me."

Keith chuckled. "It did? That's odd. I don't remember saying that when I woke up. Maybe I said it because of my dream, and-" Keith reached over to his nightstand and grabbed a copy of 'Romeo and Juliet.' "-I was reading this before we went to bed last night."

"Wow, nice," You replied coolly while grabbing the book from Keith's hands to take a look at it. "Haven't you read this already?" You asked.

"Yes, but I do sometimes like to reread the classics, after all, he is Shakespeare! But there are a lot of other classics I should reread, there are so many good ones out there."

"Sometimes I wonder why you joined a rebellious rock band instead of living a quiet drug filled life of a librarian. I could totally see you scaring small children away whenever they tried to ask you what book they need for a report."

"Hmf, yeah. I could see that happening too," Keith seemed to stare off into space for a moment, thinking about scaring small children as a librarian.

"So, if you don't mind my asking, what was your dream about?"

"Hmm?" Keith sounded confused for a moment before shaking his head. "Sorry, I kinda zoned out there."

"Sure you did," You smirked.

"Oh why you little-(Y/n)," Keith grinned playfully and ruffled your hair.

"Hey! Now I'm gonna have to spend even more time brushing my hair out!" You complained while still holding a genuine smile on your face.

"Oops, my bad!" He didn't feel bad about it at all.

"Tell me, what was your dream about?" You asked, and you were curious to see what his dream was about.

"I had a dream about a music lady-" Keith started.

"What's a music lady?"

"Dunno," Keith shrugged and continued. "Anyway, she was holding a guitar and was playing a very unique and cool sounding rhythm. She told me to grab my guitar and play it too and also to make sure that I wrote down the guitar riff for the song. I told her I didn't have my guitar. She got kinda mad, but then she kissed me on the cheek, the nose, and the lips. And then I woke up. Strange this is, is that the kisses felt real! How odd..."

"Oh did they now?" You smirked and thought about earlier.

"Yep, and then I woke up," Keith suddenly got out of the bed quickly, almost falling on the floor, and headed over towards his guitar and a chair in the corner of the room. He picked up his guitar and started to play it. He played a series of repeating notes over and over again, and thus created a simple, but cool sounding guitar riff.

"(Y/n)?" Keith abruptly stopped play and looked up at you.


"I think I'm going to write down this riff, I'm thinking the others might like it. Who knows, it might be the next 'Satisfaction ' type of song."

"Maybe Keef, maybe..."

And for the rest of the morning, you laid on the edge of the bed, admiring Keith's playing. And you had to admit, it was a very good guitar riff. Plus Keith seemed to be in a good mood today, and thus the 'good mood' vibes got to you too. So throughout the day both you were very happy.

A/n: Idk what this is. I wrote this last night at like, 11:20 pm and that was a bad idea. Now I'm tired as heck! Also I think you guys are gonna like the next Brian chapters (I'm making a part 1, 2, and maybe 3) because I freaking love it, and it's not often that I write something that I actually like. But who knows. Maybe you'll hate it. *Shrugs*

Also, I'm not doing pictures/gifs anymore because I can't use links anymore. Sorry for that! :/

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