GEt iN tHe vAN [TRS]

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'Get in the Van!'

[WARNING: Bad grammer, spelling, cringe, more cringe, and enough cringe to make you want to shoot me. This is a trollfic, and you have been warned!]

You were only a smol child. So smol and so innocent. oNE day, you were walking in the woods by urself. What a mistake that was. Why were you out in the woods anyway? Who kneW., a BIG white van drove right up to you, almost running you over! The window of the van opened, like a door of a ufo opening it's doors. But instead of an alien behind the window, it was something much, much scarier.

It was bill wyman. 

You watched as he smiled at you really creepily. Then he moved his head back and worth widly (Think of the gif frum the previous bill chapte) whilst still smiling at you creeply. "HEy lock guys! There be child roight hair!" Teh man yells two ever1 else in the van. 

U look up at him in feer, wundering whats gonna happen next.

"Heyy their child, want sum candy?" the creepy man says to u. 

"idk man, i wus just walkin'g home-"

the man cutteted you off and sad. "Ohok. U don't have two cum in here, but I can still giv u candy ok?'


The man hands yoy candy fro the van, but as you garbbed out to rech it, he grabbs ur arms and pulls you up into the van. 

"EWDNLHRBCCUREJHNJKREC>KCBQJKCB!" You scremed and kicked te man away. Then you tried to ron away, but some1 else caught u.

"OOHH BILLYBOI! Y U DO DAT!" the new man who caught you scremed at the first man who caught u. his name was parently billyboi, what a cool nam. 

"She bee too strung fur meh! She kicksed me and ran way!" Billyboi looks leik he was about to cry. but he didn't becuz he wus a man. 

"Patheticc! even mickrophone could dop better then  that!!1!" The 2nd man insulted billyboi. 

"Woh r u two?" you assks. 

"Me is kef, and dis is Billyboi." Kef says while he pointed to himself and to 'billyboi'. "Billyboi loikes to tulk to children, its a talent of his."

"ye it is." He agrees. 

"Und tehn we hav Mickrophone, or jus mick becuz he likes when ppl call him tht." kef pinted towards a guy who wus eeting all of teh candy. 

"HEY MICKRO! STAHP THAT! THAT AIN'T UR CANDY!" Billyboi spoke up and threw a sheo at mick. 

"HSSSSSS!!!" miCK goes as he crawld a way wit a bunch of candy and a shoe in his hair! 0.0

"then we hav Brain, he is the brians and the booty of tis grup." Kef guesturd ovr to a blund hairs dandy. He wus staring at a mirror and obsessing over selfhim. he even kissed teh mirror once or twoice. 

"Yeeyeah, Im smurt and so beutyful!" brian whips his hair over his shulder sassily. 

"nu ur not! Im hotter tan u!" mick suddenly poped out of noywhere and shutted at brain. 

"NO WAY!" Then, brian, and, mick starts too get into a fihgt to se who is hotter. 

u were still in kef's arms, scared and wanting to leave. But kef held onto u tightly soo that u wouldn't escapy. 

"i furgot to tel u 'bout one moar person." Kef looked don at u. 

"oh nu, who?"

"churlie the bore."

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