👌( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)||Keef Richards||( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)👌

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'Cringy X Reader/self insets fanfics/oneshots in a nutshell' Aka I'm probably going to get a lotta hate for this. Enjoy this, kids. 

"La la la la! I'm derperssed cuz i don't have a boyfriend so im going to a rulling stoners concert so that i can hook up with one off the stones. AND THEIR GONNA LOAF ME!" you laughs manicaly and looks eevil. 

onc u got to the concrt you went up to the stage which was where the stage was at because the stage was in the middle it was a very nice stage. You wulked aroun a bunc of idioit fans an fangurls and u locked at them angry. they r s patethic! leik ugh! dont they now that the stones willno ever like them!?? leik ew the nerve of tem!!

You snucked ur way to the back stage witout not getting caught by an y security gaurd men dudes becuse ur extra sneky ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) 

ten u saw kef Richards with he guitar. he wus fingering thro it. he wus gud. 

"EEEEEEEEEYYYYYYYYY UR GUD AT PLAYYing gUITar and u gut lotz of drugs. MARRI ME!" u ran at keef and through yourself at him. 

he look at you,, suprize that u were even ther. "woah ur sneky, thats kinda hot."

"ikr but not as hot as u!' you says seducivly.

"uh huh, luv."

luv. the way he says it mad u want 2 kiss him all ovr. luv. luv luv luv luv all hot brititish guys say tat. it souned noice. 

"kan i kis u?" u asks.


u boh kiss an it wus g8. it wus tru luv

"hay," you said. 

"whu?' kef sai

"Im preggo, bABe" ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

"WOAHWOW!" kefs eyes wide and he say, ﴾͡๏̯͡๏﴿ O'RLY?


*********Sudenly a radom flushback to wen u and keit was kids. *********

"Hi." says you.


"I dun leik bois 'cuz we're litle but wen i get oldr ill find u again and mary u sound cool?'

"perfekt just leik fanfuction."

******** Times skip back to the normal time whitch is the normal time**********

***butt wait no their is anothr tyme skip oops*****

U forcd Kef to qut the roling stones so tat u can beh with him furever. both of you gut marride son later, and had 555796869000111.512 kids whih is suprizngly moar tan whut mick has. 

ut was a g8 loife. 

Ten on day Keit cam home with a red lipstick stains on his face. he wus grinning

"U LAIR U BE CHEETING ON MEH!" You yells and swats ur childen awy frum u. "get away u pieces of shat!" Ur children tehn ran awayfrum u to go swimmin' wit there uncel brian near the swim pool. poor brain he doesnot like forced being neer the pool.

"Y I BEE CHEETING ON U!???" He yells back and slamed the door. 







"AHGGGGGGGGGGG I HAT U SOOOO MUcH I WANNA MOV OUT OF TEH HOUS AND DIVOrcE U!" UR face was SOOO red rigt now that u locked leik a tomattoe. You was ver angri to say least. 

"uuuuhhmmmm," Keih looks around nevrously. He thoughts of a gud idea. He kis u long and hard and pasionalty. then he pulls away and stare at you meaninfuly. "i luv u, luv. stay wit me?"

"YESYESYESYESYES!" You easly forgav him even aftr doing that horibble thing. then u went back to loving kef. it wus sooo realistic 👌👌👌👌👌👌👌

Then u both liv hapily evr after until kef shot himself cuz he was cringing so hard at tis oneshot 👍

i just saved you a lot of time. ur welcome. 

A/n: This oneshot was dedicated to all of the cringy (*CoUGHcOUghTUmblRCOUgHCoUGh*) oneshots and fanfics in existence. Sorry if I offended you, but then again you chose to read this stupid book. *Shrugs* Anyway, I would really like to say HOW AMAZED AND HOW HAPPY I AM! This stupid book has reached over 1k reads! THAT'S PRETTY FREAKIN' AMAZING ALL THINGS CONSIDERING! :D EEEEEEEEEE IT'S SO EXCITING! I bet a lot of you guys reread this or accidently click on this and wait for updates. Anyway, THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH! Without y'all, this book wouldn't be possible! Thanks!

Yeah yeah the Mick oneshot will come soon and so will the part two for The Rolling Stones oneshot! Until then enjoy this lovely crap! And remember you can help me out by submitting your Stones imagines here too! It would help out so much and make me feel less stressed and it would give everyone more frequent updates. And if you do submit I'll give you a shoutout, full credit (duh), and I'll edit it and format it to this book for free! Not like any of that should matter tho... Anyway it would help out a lot! :)

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