||Brian & Charlie||

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'Dapper vs Dandy'

[An AU in which Brian is a prince, Charlie is a poor working class young man, and Reader is in an aristocratic family. Time is estimated around the late 19th/early 20th century and takes place in a non-specific fictional country]

Note: This is probably going to have more than one part, and may or may not be very long.

The sun was shining, the sky was blue and dappled with puffy white clouds, and the day was still young. Everything was perfect. It had to be perfect, it was your birthday after all. Today you were going to be turning 18, and since you were the daughter of two rich and aristocratic parents, your birthday party was going to be something to remember, and you were going to chose who you were going to marry.

Yep, that's right. It was THAT time for you. The day you were dreading the most ever since you found out about it. You didn't want to get married, at all. It never really appealed to you. Well, maybe if you found someone who you actually loved, then you would consider marriage, but as of now all you wanted to do was travel the world and be free from your parent's tight and freedomless clutches. 

A few years back you had a best friend. Her name was Olivia. She was a real nice girl, and really pretty too. She was also aristocratic and the day when she turned 18, her parents forced her to chose between three different rich boys. They were all bad, and Olivia refused to marry all of them. Her parents got very, very mad with her and forced her to marry all three of them. Sadly, the law actually did say that a woman could marry more than one man with her parents approval (How sickening). So that's what happened, and you were scared that that was going to happen to you too. You hoped this year there was going to be at least one 'good' boy. 

"(Y/n)! You best be getting ready!" The door to your room flew open to reveal a young woman who wore clothes of a maid. Her name was Chara. She might've been young, but she often was mistaken for a 40 year old woman. She looked old and you could tell the poor girl was getting worn down with every day she was here, working in your household. Your parents were wearing her to the bone. Shame, she was an alright person. 

"Yes, I should," You pulled the lush blankets out of your way and slipped out of bed. The floor was very cold, and when you touched it, you winced. "Chara? Do you know where my gown is? I'm supposed to wear it tonight for my party, so it's kinda important!"

"It should be in your closet, where dresses are supposed to be kept at," Chara said while walking over towards your bed. She started to make up your bed, making sure it looked perfect. 

"Oh yes!" You clicked your tongue and shook your  head. "Sorry! I should've known that! Sometimes I can be so ditzy and forget where even the most basic things are at!"

"Yes, yes," Chara said boredly, "You tell me that every day."

"I know! Well, actually I don't. I'm not that good at remembering things, but you know that!" You rushed over towards your massive closet and pulled out your gown. It was gorgeous, and it was exactly what you wanted it to be. It had your favorite designs on it, was in your favorite color, and was in a style that you loved. You went behind a room divider and started to get changed. 

"Yes I know that," Chara finished up on your bed and walked over towards your closet to grab your shoes and your jewelry that went along with your dress. She set them on a stool that was nearby the room divider that you were changing behind. 

"So, Chara," You said when Chara was just about to leave.

Chara stopped and sighed. "Yes?"

"Do you think the boys tonight are gonna be good ones this year?" You asked while slipping on your dress over your corset and hoop skirt. It was a challenge, mostly because you weren't very great at putting on dresses. Especially when it came to sleeves.

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