||Charlie Watts||

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'The Transformation and Conformation'

[Charlie and the Reader are kids. But one day Charlie comes home with something cool that cost a lot of money. Then he makes it evolve into something much, much better]

Warning!: This is a kinda trollfic, so it won't look obnoxious, but it will be one.

Sometime in the year 1954, there were two kids. Their names were Charlie Watts and (Y/n) (L/n). They were good friends. They both loved Jazz and shared a love for collecting records. One day, Charlie Watts came to his house with a Banjo. It drained Charlie of all of his money, but it was probably worth buying.

Charlie always wanted to play an instrument but couldn't until now. He got the Banjo from some sketchy man who lived near the dumpster. He yelled, "Hey kid! Wanna buy something fun!" 

Charlie glared over at the man and ignored him. He put his hands in his pockets and walked away.

Then to get his attention, the man stripped off all of his clothes and ran up to Charlie with his unwhite underwear showing clearly. The man was hairy and smelled like Marijuna. Plus he was bone thin and had a creepy smile plastered on his face. 

"Oh dear lord above!" Charlie yelled and looked up at the sky, suddenly more interested in the clouds than a mostly naked homeless trash man. 

"Hey kid," The man whispered into Charlie's ear, "Wanna buy something fun!"

"NO thank you, sir!" Charlie kept on peering up at the sky, trying to ignore the man. 

"Awww come on kid, it's sssssoooo much fun!" The man made hissing noises with his mouth and his "s's" sounded like a snake. 

"If you are talking about drugs, no thank you sir! I am much too good for that!" Charlie was mature, even for a 13 year old, because he's Charlie. 

"Teeheehee!" He grinned a tooth grin. "Drugs are not the only thing that's fun! Music is too, and it's just as addictive!" 

Charlie frowned. "What. The. Heck."

"It's true though! Anyway," The mostly naked man pulled out a banjo. "Here kid!"

Charlie looked at the banjo in awe. He took it from the man and held it in his hands. He liked the feeling of it in his hands. It gave him such... Pleasure... 

"Sir! I'll take it!" 

"That'll be 25 pounds!"

"What! That-That's too much money!" Charlie exclaimed while still looking out up at the sky with the Banjo in his hands.

"I know you have that much money, LAD! FORK IT OVER OR I'LL MUG THE SH*T OUTTA YOU!" 

"AGH!" Charlie tried to run away, but the man grabbed onto the collar of his shirt. 

"Give. Me. MONEY!" 

"Alright, alright!" Charlie threw all of his money at the man. But the money flew away. The man ran after it as it went on the street. When he got the money, he was in the middle of the road. But then a big white van drove by him and picked him up and took him back to the insane asylum.

"What just happened?" Charlie blinked, confused, and then looked at the Banjo that was in his hands. Charlie then got a feeling of great joy from the instrument that he held in his baby soft perfect hands. He felt... Pride for the ugly instrument. 

With a feeling of great joy and now more "Lightweight" from his money getting stolen, Charlie skipped away back to his house with the Banjo in his hands. 

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