*Cough Cough*

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Ok, watch that video! This guy is trying to 'play' and sing 'Imagine' by John Lennon. but it fails miserably. It's seriously funny tho

Anyway, Sorry for still no 'He's an Angel,' but then again I don't really think anyone cares! XD 

So, I am going to advertise something for all of y'all k? And it's something PRETTY important for everyone in the Classic Rock community (On wattpad).

Yep that's right, I'm advertising for THE CLASSIC ROCK AWARDS OF 2018!!! WOOOHOOO!! YAy!

 The Classic Rock Awards of 2018 is basically awarding the fabulous fanfiction in The Classic Rock fandom. It's a pretty cool thing and it would be nice if you, yes, WE NEED YOU TO NOMINATE THE BEST OF THE BEST STORIES FOR THE AWARDS! 

So please do it, it would be nice if you were to participate! 

For all of you fanfic writers, keep on writing! The deadline for the awards has now been extended until August 3, so you have until then to write! And to nominate!

Well, that's all from me. Did I motivate you? Nah, probably didn't but I still hope you do participate anyway! :3

I also have a VERY important question to ask all of you; Would you rather see a Rolling Stones chapter about...

-The Stones being turned into cats and the reader has to take care of them with their 'best friend' *CoughcoughprobablymeCoughcough No? Ok cool)

-The Stones switching their musical abilities with each other? Like, suddenly Brian suddenly has the singing voice of Mick, and Keith suddenly has Charlie's drumming ability. It'd be something like that and The reader would have to fix it.

-Or (As suggested) The Stones could 'Adopt' the reader because reader's dad (Probably Brian) died or something. It would be part trollfic, and would be really weird. 

So yeah, decide on that... 

Have a noice day!z

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