||Brian and Charlie ENDING||

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 We left off at around the part where you had to chose between two people in a tight situation. You could either stay behind and try to aid a dying Brian and hope that the gang members rushing up to you were friendly, or you could run away with Charlie and keep your life, but would have an uneasy future. 

Which one did you chose? Dapper or Dandy?

["Stay with Brian."]

"You know what, Charlie? I'd rather stay with Brian. I can't just leave him here to die." You gazed up at Charlie from your kneeling position. He looked shocked to say the least. 

"Are you sure? You know what will happen once they get to you." Charlie said in a very serious tone. He didn't want you to die with Brian, and he didn't want you to get captured either. But deep down inside he understood why you wanted to do this. 

"Yes, I'm well aware of that. But Brian is worth it after all."

"Alright," Charlie lowered his head and closed his eyes. He gave you a small bow. "Until we may meet again. May God's love be with you!" 

And just like that, darling Char was running away. His life depended on it after all! You didn't watch him leave. You had to make sure Brian was still alive. 

Blood ran out of his side in a slick red mess. Some of it started to pool on the ground. You could only hope that he didn't lose so much of it. "Brian! Are you ok?" You knew Brian wouldn't answer that question, but it made you feel better by asking that. You then grabbed Brian's weird scarf that he was wearing and pressed it hard against the gunshot wound. It was to try to prevent what blood Brian had left from seeping out. 

"Hey! You!" Two gang members ran up to you, panting and with pistols in hand. They stopped to catch their breath. They seemed a little out of shape, which was strange for any of those hardened gang members to be.

"Yes?" You looked up at them calmly, not wanting to fight them. You were horribly outnumbered anyway, and you wanted to be nice just in case if these guys were nice. 

"You are-" The man who started talking took in a deep breath. "You are now safe!"

"Safe!?" You gasped. "What do you mean "safe?" One of you just shot Brian! And the rest of your gang killed who knows how many people! How do you call that safe!?"

"Erm, well," the other guy shifted uncomfortably before saying, "We weren't really with those guys."

"What do you mean by that?" You narrowed your eyes at both of them, while still pressing down on Brian's wound. 

"We were afflitrated with them, but once we saw our prince-"

"Prince? Who? What?" You were confused. There wasn't a prince there in the ballroom. At least, none that you knew of. But what if there really was a prince? What if he was there all along? You looked down at Brian in slight horror and you knew right away that he was the prince. Why had he not told you about that before? Maybe you would see him differently than if he was just another suitor? Or maybe he wanted to protect his identity. 

"Yeah, that's Prince Brian right there. We use to work for him and his family before we got replaced. We then joined this gang, but when we saw that Brian was here, we wanted to protect him! So we ran after him, shooting our pistols to make it seem like we were hunting y'all down. One of us accidently shot Brian in the side though..." One of the guys explained with a bit of sorrow in his voice.  

"Well, the damage is done now. We just need to get him somewhere safe before he dies," You looked away from the two gang members and down at Brian. He looked oh so peaceful for just getting shot. It made you scared how calm he was. But maybe that was because he was passed out. Even then you expected him to have some sort of agonized expression on his face. 

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