||Charlie Watts||

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                                                                      --Crazy house in the deep south--

[An AU in which TRS are a bunch of crazy bois living in a creepy house. Also this takes place down south in 'murica mostly because accents are fun to write. Have fun with this AU]

The old Corban house. A once abandoned home that was at the end of your neighborhood's road. It sat on a small, weed infested hill and was almost completely hidden away from plain sight. The white lead paint that once coated the house was now chipping away as vines grew on it. It was a rundown house, and it was estimated that it had been abandoned since the early 50's.

Until a few years ago. A group of homeless, probably kicked out of their houses boys resided in the home. They were all insane, animalistic, wild and uncontrollable, and evil. They didn't go to school, and constantly stole stuff, vandalized, tormented, and rebelled against almost everything. They were bad news, and no one even dared to come close to that house, everyone was just so scared that the boys inside would capture them, and make soup out of them or something stupid sounding like that.

In all honesty, you were terrified of that house and the boys inside. Who wouldn't be scared of those who are so animalistic and rough.

One day, you and a few of your friends from the neighborHOOD decided to play a fun game of truth or dare. The truths and dares mostly consisted of weak and boring truths, along with stupid dares. Everyone was sitting in a circle and smiling at each other really awkwardly. Most of them wanted it to end already, and only one of them actually enjoyed the truths and dares. You for one, were happy that no one did a bad dare or a painful truth. And you thought you would get off the hook that time, until some idiot spoke up with a dare for everyone, that they would all have to accept.

"Hey! How 'bout we all go up to that ol' Corbin house and how 'bout we all walk through the house to see if the boys still really do live there. Ah dare ya all!"

You forgot to mention one thing, no one really knew for sure if the boys actually lived in the house, or if it was just some old neighborhood tale.

"GAH! Do ah have to?" Amy, one of the neighbor girls groaned. She was a believer that the boys didn't exist, or she wanted to believe that. On the outside she had a hard shell, but on the inside she was an emotional, paranoid wreck.

"Yes, we all have ta! Didja not hear Jimmy's dare?" John, the buff, egotistical kid of the group glared over at Amy.

"Hmf. Whatever," Amy flipped her hair over her shoulder sassily. "So, (Y/n), what do ya think o' this whole thing?"

"Ah don't know. Ah mean, it can't be too bad now can it?" You looked out to the gravel driveway that lead up to the house and felt a twinge of fear.

Mutters of agreement emitted from everyone there. Amy, Jimmy, John, Frank, Paul, Nancy, and Carolynn were all there in the truth or dare group with you. They were all nervous to go into the house, all except for John. He wanted to go first, mostly just to impress Nancy, the diva of the group.

"Ah'll go first! Just ta make sure it's safe for tha ladies!" He winked over at Nancy which caused a fit of giggling from her. You rolled your eyes at them in disgust.

"Sure, go ahead John, get yourself killed in there while your at it, all 'for the ladies'," You said sarcastically and smiled at John when he glared at you.

"Hater," John stuck his tongue out at you and walked over towards the end of the subdivision and the old Corbin house. Once he realized no one was following him, he yelled, "C'mon guys! It can't be that bad! I don't even think the boys exist!"

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