||Brian & Charlie Part 2||

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"And here they are!" Chara brought you to the hallway just outside of the ballroom. It was much, much more quiet out there in the hallway, and it was peaceful unlike the ballroom.  When you looked around to see if your suitors were there, you saw only two of them. The third one was missing. 

"Where's the third one?" You asked, only slightly concerned about his wellbeing. If the third suitor who was supposed to be here was the only great guy of the group, you could've chosen him. But if not, then it was probably for the best that he was gone. 

"He's deathly ill right now. Poor boy caught scarlet fever. We all wish him well, but I don't think you'll ever be seeing him," Chara shook her head sadly before perking up once more. "(Y/n), meet your suitors."

"Uh, hi?"

You took a look at who your suitors were. One of them was wearing very colorful, very expensive clothes and was adorned in all sorts of jewelry. What an odd thing to see a guy wearing. He also had long blond hair, something that also wasn't very common at all, blue eyes, and was actually very short compared to the other suitor. He didn't smile at you and instead gave you a blank expression. You could tell that he was silently judging you. 

The other suitor looked much friendlier, but much more stupider. He was very, very tall, at least around 6'3." He had short black hair, dark brown eyes, a face full of freckles, and had a large grin on his face. He looked very friendly, but also very stupid. 

"Hello there Miss. (L/n), what an honor to meet you," The first suitor greeted you in a quiet, yet smooth voice. He took you hand and kissed it very gently before pulling away and giving you a small smile. 

"Uh, YEAH! NICE TO MEET YOU TOO!" The second suitor yelled and shook your hand, very, very hard. He had a wide and toothy grin on his face, and he was shaking out of excitement. 

"Hello you two. Might I ask what your names are?" You asked while keeping your voice very monotonous. 

"MY NAME IS KEEGAN!" The tall, excited suitor yelled once again. "I CAN REPEAT MY NAME IF YOU COULDN'T UNDERSTAND ME BEFORE!"

You covered your ears and glared at Keegan. Who did he think he was?

"Keegan, this may be another country, but it doesn't mean the people here don't speak English as well," The blond haired suitor spoke up in a calm voice. It was the stark opposite of what Keegan sounded like.

'Thank you!' You mouthed to the blond suitor. He gave you the ever so slightest smile in return before looking back up at Keegan.

"Oh? She does speak English?" Keegan acted like that was a life changing moment for him. 

"Anyway," You started, "what is your name?" You looked over at the blond haired suitor. He was staring at Keegan in disgust and disapproval before turning back over towards you very slowly.

"My name is Brian," He said blandly, and you weren't even so sure if he liked his own name or not.

"Just Brian?" You questioned.

"No, but that's all the information I want you to you!" He snapped suddenly. His cool demeanor quickly turned slightly aggressive. But just as soon as he snapped, he turned back to his normal self. "Sorry about that." He muttered under his breath.

"Ok then?" Brian was now a riddle wrapped in a mystery. Keegan was completely willing to share his last name and probably everything about himself. Brian only told you his first name and nothing more. Maybe his last name was from a rival family? Or maybe his title was of a lowly peasant trying to disguise himself as a rich man.

"So!" Keegan broke the silence with yet another loud yell. "Wanna go get some food!?"

"I like... Food." You said.

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