||Mick Jagger||

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'He never saw me there'

[Non AU that takes place in the 60's. Reader is a roadie/mostly apart of the cleanup crew and has low self confidence]

It was just like any other day being a roadie for The Rolling Stones. You and the crew would set everything up on stage and make sure everything is absolutely perfect for the band. However there was one job that every roadie hated doing, including yourself. That job was cleanup, and it was one of the most disgusting and boring jobs ever. And you were always put on it.

Why? You didn't know at first. Usually all of the other roadies would vote on who got each job. Sadly, almost all of the roadies disliked you for no particular reason at all and always voted for you to clean up. After awhile you gave up all hope and just stuck with cleanup. After all it was the only thing you were good at. 

Whenever the Stones were putting on a performance, you always watched from the sidelines and admired them, especially Mick Jagger. You had to admit that you'd always had a crush on him, abut you never shared that information with anyone. It's not like anyone would've cared anyways for no one really cared about you. 

After the show was over and the fangirls had ran out to tackle the Stones, you were left behind to sweep and clean after everyone. And no one even cared. All the other roadies at least got some attention and got to talk to the Stones. You never had the time to do so and never even actually met Mick Jagger. You bet that he didn't know you even existed. 

As you swept the stage off, you thought about Mick Jagger and yourself. You thought about pity, rejection, and low self confidence, all of them your good friends.

Suddenly, the doors from the backstage opened and revealed a drunken Mick Jagger. He had lip stick smudged all over his face, probably from the groupies that laid waiting outside. How disgusting. 

You quickly looked back down on the floor, pretending to be super concentrated on the task at hand when you were secretly actually hoping for Mick to come up to you and confess his love to you. After all, that's what happens in most stories. 

"Hey, uh-" Mick slurred his words and pointed at you. You felt yourself blushing. Yeah sure, Mick was drunk, but you still loved him anyway.

"(Y/n)!" You grinned and said a little too excitedly. "My name's (Y/n)!"

"Well then, uh, (Y/n) there's been a lil' accident in the back an' I need you to go and clean it up ok?"

You felt your heart split into two. He didn't come to you to confess his love to you because he was never in love with you. "Yes Mr. Jagger," You dipped your head and took a pale of water and a mop before walking to 'the back' to clean up whatever disgusting mess was back there. 

It turns out that you can't always get what you want.

A/n: I feel proud of myself for making this. I mean, how many super cliché oneshots do you see where love always prevails in the most cliché way possible (I admit, I do that too, but what would a good oneshot book be without those?). We gotta have some "realistic" anti cliché oneshots, right? And besides, I'm writing for the Stones so you shouldn't expect much from me. I apologize for the shortness of this chapter, and how long some of the other chapters are. Sometimes I just get carried away. 

Shoot. Another long authors note! XD

Also, is it just me or is wattpad no longer doing url links for pictures/gifs. Now I have to waste more space on my computer by having to download pictures/gifs of the Stones(I'm fine with that, it just looks bad to people who go on my compooter!).

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