||Keith Richards||

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"The Usual Please"

[Not an Au, takes place around 1965]

You worked at a tea shop that was on the corner of the street. It was old fashioned and made of old wooden bricks. The inside was always neat and tidy, and had lush chairs and couches one could sit on while enjoying their tea. The shop that you worked at had over 20 different types of coffees, and sometimes it was hard keeping up with all of them, but somehow you managed and got money to pay your bills. 

Usually, your job was very easy, and the customers were generally very nice. Until the one day a special someone walked through the doors of the tea shop and went straight to you. He had a big smirk on his face as he rested his elbow right on the ordering counter. He looked very happy to be there. 

"Hello love," The man cooed. Once he was in the light, you could notice his features and appearance better. He had long, dark brown hair and dark brown eyes which seemed to glow with either lust or happiness. You couldn't really tell though, and you were going to treat this man like any other customer. 

"Hello, welcome to Steamy Dreams, how can I help you today?" You faked a smile like you always did while talking to customers. 

"I would like the usual," The man said smoothly. 

You were confused. You'd never even seen the man before, and you wouldn't know what he wanted. "Sorry sir, I don't know what you're talking about." 

"Why-" The man looked at your name tag that you wearing. "-(Y/n), I'd figured you would know."

"No sir, I had never met you in my life, I wouldn't even know what you would like," You kept a calm and steady voice with the man. You were getting pretty annoyed, and he was holding up the line. 

"My name is Keith Richard, or Keith Richards. But ya know what? Call me Keef," Keith said while leaning closer towards you, looking at you very weirdly. "I'm the best guitarist and the lead one in the band."

This is what you would call one creepy customer, but also one famous customer. Keith Richard, from what you could recall, was apart of the now famous Rolling Stones. You wouldn't be surprised if a whole hoard of fangirls was following him. And you were disappointed in yourself that you didn't recognize him at first.

"Oh really? I thought Brian was best guitarist?" You started to grin and wonder if you were pushing his buttons by saying that.

Keith clenched his jaw, but still smiled. "Well, there's a reason why I'm the lead guitarist." 

"Ok, well, sir, are you going to tell me what tea you would like?" You glanced at the growing line behind Keith, and thought how angry those customers would be. 

"Hey, do ya wanna go out back and do something?" Keith asked while completely ignoring your question.

"Like what?" You narrowed your eyes and furrowed your eyebrows at him.

"I dunno, something," Keith shrugged. 

"Sorry sir, I can't leave my job. I'll get fired."

"Oh that's such a shame," Keith didn't sound devastated at all. 

"Sir, if you are not going to order tea, then please leave," You gave up on your smile and full on gave him a blank face. 

"Fine, but-" Keith took out a piece of paper and took out a pen. He started to write on the small piece of paper and set it down in front of you. "If you want your steamy dreams to come true, I'll be here," Keith smirked, and you almost felt like laughing at that joke. The  name of the tea shop you worked at was ridiculous, but that was probably on purpose. 

"Uh, ok," You took the note and shoved it in your pocket. Before Keith left, he winked at you. You watched as he then ran off, desperate to get away from the fangirls. The Beatles weren't the only guys who had a fangirl problem. 

Later on that night, you took out the note and read it. It said,

'I'm at the hotel across the street, on floor 3, room 333. See you there!

~Love, Keef'

Would you go and see him that night? It was all up to you to make that decision...

A/n: I actually had a lot of fun writing this one, and I hope you all liked it! I will try to post as many oneshots as I can so that y'all would have more to read. :) Until then, show your support by adding this to your reading list and voting for it! Every little bit and every little comment count! :D And remember, if you want to have your own Stone X Reader oneshot, you can! Just tell me and send the oneshot! I'll of course credit you and try to send the readers your way. Plus we'll have moar oneshots which is great! 

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