||Charlie Watts||

662 11 127

'19th Nervous Breakdown'

[(Y/n)s are supposed to be written as a more neutral character. But in this oneshot, the reader is a spoiled brat. Enjoy torturing poor Darling Char.]

I met her at a party for the newest release of our record. Usually I don't like parties. Parties are either too wild for me, or they're too boring. This party was a boring one. Everyone just stood around, making chatter amongst each other, drinks in hand. However, there was one girl in the center of it all. She was the loudest, the craziest. She was insane. And beautiful. Probably one of the most beautiful women I've ever had the chance to lay my eyes on. 

But she seemed a little too much for me. She was one of those girls I should have avoided. But of course she had the kind of charm, the kind of energy that a man could be easily attracted to. The kind that I just couldn't resist. I was like a fly, flying into a massive spider web. I was like prey to this girl. She slowly drained me of my money and my love, such as a spider drains the blood and life out of a fly. 

But I didn't know how problematic this woman could possibly be, and I wish I would've known sooner. All that was rushing through my arrogant, 23 year old mind was the thought of her. I wanted to get to know her. Nothing sexual... Yet. 

So I did what any cocky young man with high hopes and fame would do; I marched right up to her and asked her her name. On the inside I was shakey, my palms were sweaty, and my feet were itchy. But on the outside I wanted to appear to her as confident as I could possibly be! I wanted to present myself in a strong sort of way. After all, people were so used to seeing me as the prude, the mature one, the serious one of the band. And that was true, however that didn't get too many panties thrown in my direction, but at least I got some approval from the older adult audience. 

"Oh you must be Charlie!" The girl chuckled and blushed, extending out her hand for me to shake it. 

"Yes, I am!" I shook the girl's hand and planted a friendly smile on my face. "And might I ask what your name is?" 

"(Y/n)," The girl went on. "(Y/n) (L/n)." 

And this was only the beginning  of my wild ride with this selfish, spoiled girl. I only wish that in that moment I would've just smiled politely and walked away. But nope, I didn't. I just had to ask for her number... 


From what I could recall, the night after meeting (Y/n), I quickly called her on my phone (It wasn't technically my phone because I had to "share" it with the rest of the boys), and told her to meet me at the ice cream parlor downtown. She agreed, and about an hour later we both met up down at the icecream shop. 

(Y/n) was wearing very... Bold colors? Her clothes were outrageous and skimpy- something I wasn't particulary a fan of- but I got turned on anyway just looking at her. She was so beautiful despite how absolutely insane she looked. Her standing beneth the streetlights, radiating beauty was enough for me. Forget the icecream. 

"Charrrrlieeeee?" (Y/n) drew out my name, as if she were complaining to me about something. Looking back on it now, I realized that (Y/n) always said my name like this if there was ever something she wanted. 

"Yes, love?" I replied, still admiring her. 

"Can I get some ice cream nowwwww?" (Y/n) then grabbed onto my arm, almost pulling me down to the sidewalk. She really wanted icecream. 

"Um, sure!" I smiled at her. "Get what you'd like, and I'll pay for it. I'm not really in the mood for icecream right now after all."

"YAY!" (Y/n) then proceeded to get the biggest ice cream sundae I had ever seen in my entire life. I was in awe just looking at the proportions at that thing. When I asked her if we were going to be sharing it, she just gave me a weird look and said-

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