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'I Walk the Line'

[World War Two AU . I'll leave it at that for that is all you need to know. Probably my most serious and favourite oneshots I have ever wrote. Sorry for any historical inaccuracies.]

A/N: Yes. Me the emotionless writer cried while writing this. Enjoy. 

 It was the last day of school. Everyone in your class had big dreams and high hopes for their futures. They were all happy and prancing about, declaring what they were going to do in the future and how they were going to become successful and have a great family and everything like that. It was honestly a beautiful sight, seeing as there was so much excitement and happiness in the air. Everyone was gearing up for facing adulthood and was ready to tackle it head on. 

 However there were some people who didn't have quite as bright futures; Aka the blue collars/the working class. There wasn't many of them who had stuck through school to graduate. Most of them had gone off to work jobs or join the army. 

 Your best friend/lover, Bill Wyman, had decided that he'd want to join the Royal Air Force after school was over. He had nothing else to do and nothing to really look forward to. He wanted to at least do something good, like join the allies and help fight. You had very much disapproved of his decision, but you felt a small twinge of pride towards him. After all, he was taking part in something bigger than him and more important. 

 The bell rang for the very last time, and a flurry of kids rushed out of the school as a result of this. You hung back, not wanting to be trampled by all of the eager kids. Eventually the coast was clear and only a few kids were walking outside the school. You made your way out of the building and onto the grassy area in front of the school. 

 Sunlight and warmth hit your back as you stepped outside. It felt nice and comforting, but before you could get too hot, you scampered behind a nearby oak tree and leaned against it, enjoying the shade. Below this fine oak tree, you waited for Bill. And as you were waiting, you decided to people watch. 

 A few kids were pacing around in front of the sidewalk and the road, waiting for their parents or friends to pick them up. Some were trying to find their bikes. Others were loitering around school property, smoking a cigarette and talking with their buddies. You watched as a kid with a basketball chucked it at his friend and smacked him right in the face. The friend reeled backwards, shook his head a few times, and yelled "JAGGER!" really angerly. He then tried to get his revenge. It was laughable really. 

 "Hello again, darling," You felt arms wrap around you, embracing you in a loving hug. You broke away, smiling. 

"Hello, Bill!" You noticed that Bill was smiling, and was just as happy as you were. "Why, aren't you just having a fine day!?" You giggled very softly before Bill quickly pecked you on the cheek. 

"I am indeed! First, school's out forever, and now I get to see the love of my life!" The wide grin on Bill's face grew even bigger. He was so happy, so full of... Life. In that moment you could've never felt happier. This was going to be a memory that you would cherish forever, and remember even on your worse days. 

You looked back at the school before taking Bill's hand and leading him down the sidewalk and to a bright future... 


Throughout the entire summer, you and Bill rented out a small flat. During the day, Bill went off to train with the Royal Air Force, and you went off to work a few jobs. On the weekends, you were both freed up and could do almost whatever you two wanted. You both had spent a glorious summer together, and you didn't want it to end. 

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