||Brian Jones||

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'How Ironic'

[A random Twist-Fate idea I had. If you'd like to, think of this as a quick ending to my other story, 27 Club.]

"Come on!" A loud voice echoed through the warm air of that one fateful summer night. A low fog was hanging just centimeters off the ground, and hung throughout the tress. A small breeze swept through the area, and the light of the silvery moon was attempting to brighten this darkend side of the world.

In the midst of the serenity, a time traveler, known as (Y/n) and the former Roling Stone, Brian Jones were in the pool together. This wasn't for fun mind you, it was quite the opposite, for this was the dreaded day; July 3rd, 1969. The day Brian Jones ever so stupidly died in a pool.

"WHY DO YOU HAVE TO BE SO HEAVY!?" (Y/n) screamed as she went under the surface of the water and towards Brian, who was thrashing about in the middle of the pool. (Y/n) put her arms around Brian and brought him to above the surface of the pool where he then gasped for air.

Brian was coughing his lungs out and struggling for breath as (Y/n) calmly, or as calmly as she could, swam towards the pool ladder. One there, Brian gripped the side of the pool quite loosely, attempting to pull himself out, but he was too weak. He was still coughing, trying to get that chlorinated liquid out of his lungs.

(Y/n) went slightly under the water and tried to lift Brian up and out of the pool. Brian wasn't exactly the lightest, but wasn't the heaviest either. It took (Y/n) a few tries before she got Brian completely out of the pool. She then climbed up the ladder and crawled over to Brian. By this time, Brian was breathing quite steadily, albeit coughing ocassionally.

"Hello? You still alive?" (Y/n) quickly realized the stupidity of her question.

Even when Brian was at one of his weakest points, he still gave (Y/n) a very weird look. "What? Well... I'm talking. My heart beating... I breath..." His voice sounded strained and broken, but at least he was responsive.

"Are you sure you're not some sort of ghost?" (Y/n) was at it tonight with the stupid questions. Wow.

"Absolutely," Brian tried saying sarcastically, but ended up in a fit of coughing. "I'm ghostly pale, transparent and whole bundle." Not everything he said was smooth and connected, but then again he was struggling for breath.

"Actually you do look very pale, and cold..." (Y/n) commented on Brian's appearance. He did look very frail and in need of some warmth.

"Good for me, now, do you mind-" Brian coughed once more. "-telling me who you-" More coughing commenanced as Brian tried to talk fast.

"(Y/n), I'm from the year 2018. Nice to finally meet you." Maybe saying that she was from the future right after meeting Brian wasn't the smartest idea in the world.

"2018? That's almost a half a century away... Is the world still... Around by then?" Brian questioned, and for the first time in a long time, he actually thought about his future.

"Suprisingly, yes." (Y/n) then thought about the technology of 2018, the stupid politics, problems with pretty much everything, and all that other 'good stuff.'

"And I wasn't supposed to make it to that year, correct?"

"Well, you weren't supposed to, but I successfully prevented you from dying! Now we'll finally get to see your fat, bald, old self!" (Y/n) joked around, but earned a glare from Brian.

"I should've drowned if that's the case," Brian rolled his eyes. "but then again..." He trailed off before giving (Y/n) an odd question. "Who is the worst looking old Stone?"

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