I love you

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Kion: Alright Lion Guard let's begin our patrol because the faster we do it the faster we can go home. Till the Pridelands ends...!

All: Lion Guard defend!

Janjas clan is out chasing all kinds of animals because it's the dry season and they need more food than ever but it's more than they can eat.

Janja: Ahahaha where you going we just want to have you for dinner!
He laughs

The Lion Guard arives

Kion: Okay Fuli get those animals to calm down. Ono guide the animals to saftey. Bunga and Beshte let's stop the hyenas before they can do any damage!

All get's to their position

Fuli: Allright calm down everyone and follow me and Ono!

Ono: This way everyone!

He guides them away from the hyenas and further into the Pridelands.

Beshte: Twende Kiboko!

Beshte jumps into the hyenas and sends them flying.

Bunga: Zuka Zama!

Bunga is stopping Cheezi and Chungu without problems and they run home.

Kion is fighting Janja

Kion: How many times do I need to tell you and you're hyenas to get out of the Pridelands?!
He yells

Janja: Many times it seems
He smiles evilly

Kion: Well you know what is coming. You can either go home by yourself or you can get blasted home by my roar so choose wisely!
He growls

Janja: Fine you win this time but it's not over!

He runs away

Kion is tired after the fight and is laying down. The rest of the guard aproaches him.

Beshte: Are you allright Kion?
He says worringly

Kion: Yes I'm just tired after the fight with Janja but thank you for asking Beshte.
He smiles

Kion: But yeah our patrol is over for today so you can go home.

Bunga: You sure?
He says with crossed arms

Kion: Yes Bunga I'm sure just go home

All: Okay see you tommorow then Kion

Fuli is the last one to leave but Kion says something to her

Kion: Fuli can I please talk with you?
He smiles

Fuli: Sure what is it?
She smiles back

Kion: Okay Fuli you see I have thought about something and I love you.
He tries to be confident

Kion: And it is okay if you don't feel the same I.....

She kisses him

Kion: Fuli I....
He can't speak

Fuli: You don't have to say anything I love you too
She smiles and then nuzzles him

Kion nuzzle her back

Kion: It's getting late we better head home.

Fuli: Yeah see you tommorow
She smiles to him

Kion smiles back and is jumping on the way home because of all the happyness he has. Fuli does the same

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