Sibling problems

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Kion ran back to the lair and then Fuli followed him he was already asleep.

Fuli: Kion?

She whispered

Kion answered with a snore

Fuli giggled and decided to go up to Kion and sleep beside him. When she layed down next to Kion he opened his eyes to see who it was.

Kion: Oh it's just you Fuli

He smiled

Fuli smiled back to him and fell asleep. Kion tried sleep aswell but he couldn't. He could only think about what Janja said to him.

Kion: Maybe some training can make my thoughts go away

He said to himself

He then walked out of the lair without Fuli noticing. Or that was what he thought. Fuli saw he walked out but didn't do anything. It was cold outside but Kion didn't care. He only wanted to train. He trained on a hillside where there also was high grass that he could hide in.

Kion: I might train my sneaking

He said for himself

After he had done that for a some time he decided to train his pouncing

He trained for an hour and decided to head back to the lair and get some sleep but Kion was too tired to go back so he fell asleep.

The sun was up and Fuli woke up. She noticed that Kion wasn't laying beside her. She standed up and streched her body and then walked out of the lair and saw Kion laying outside.

Fuli: There you are

She said to herself and smiled

She walked over to him and nuzzled him and Kion woke up.

Fuli: Morning Kion

Kion: Goodmorning Fuli. What am I doing out here?

He said tired

Fuli: I guess you fell asleep out here maybe after some training?

She smirked

Kion: Wait how did you know that?

He said confused

Fuli: Well we need to look after each other. That's what couples do.

She smiled

Kion smiled and then standed up.

Kion: You ready for patrol?

Fuli: Always

They then raced towards the lair.

Kion came in last and the Guard was waiting for him.

Kion: Sometimes I forget you are the fastests in the Pridelands

He laughed

Fuli: Then I just have to remind you

She laughed aswell

Kion: Alright enough of that let's go on patrol.

He said and ran out of the den with the others behind him.

After the patrol Kion was playing baobab ball with Bunga.

Bunga: Come on Kion get the ball!

He said teasing

Kion: Just you wait Bunga!

He yelled back

Kion saw some tall grass and was hiding in it.

Bunga then stopped and then Kion saw his oppurtunity and pinned him down.

Kion: Got you Bunga

Bunga: Wow great pounce

He laughed

Kion: Thank you Bunga.

Then Kiara jumped down from the path of Pride Rock and headed towards Bunga and Kion.

Kion: Ugh what does she now want?

He complained

Kiara: Still playing that silly game?

She teased

Kion: It's not silly! We acually train in speed and stamina

He snapped back

Kiara: Let's just say that.

She said rolling her eyes

Kion: What are you even doing out here? Aren't you supposed to do you're queen thing with dad?

He said annoyed

Kiara: Well not today. I got a day of

She said relieving

Kion: Seruously you have a day of while I have to go on patrol everyday?

He said annoyed and frustrated

Kiara: Aww are you upset? Well that is just to bad. Maybe you can earn it sometime?

She grinned

Kion: Ugh sometimes I wish you weren't my sister!

He yelled angry

Kiara: And sometimes I wish you weren't born!

She yelled back

After Kion heard that he was heartbroken and ran away while crying.

Kiara: Wait Kion I didn't.....

But it was too late. He was already gone.

Bunga: Great job Kiara. You just had to say that

He shaked his head and then ran to get the Guard.

Kiara just stood back with ears hanging.

Kiara: I'm so sorry Kion

She said and began to cry

Kion X Fuli FanficWhere stories live. Discover now