Never forget

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Kion has been out in the desertlands for some time and is almost giving up hope. He is also not that golden looking anymore and needs help to get back what is his duty as.The Lion Guard leader.

Kion is waking up late and he does what he has done the last few months. That is he wakes up. He stretches his body. Goes down to a wateringhole where there this almost no water left. Then he goes back to sleep again. But this particular day it's different.

Kion: Another day in this very warm land. Ughh let's just get this day over with
He says with a upgiving voice

Suddenly Mufasa appears

Kion: Grandfather Mufasa what are you doing here?
He says curious

Mufasa: I'm here because you have forgotten who you really are
He says serious

Kion: But I do know who I am
He says kinda frustated

Mufasa: If you know who you are why are you then here in the Desertlands and not the Pridelands?

Kion: Because Janja and all the other jackals and Leopards kicked my out. Besides I feel a lot happier out here then home.
He tries to smile but disappears again

Mufasa: Kion you know that is not true. You miss home. You miss you're family. And if not Fuli the most

Kion: You are right I don't really like it out here. I just don't know if I can fight Janja without losing

Mufasa: You just need to believe in yourself again.

Kion: Thanks grandfather!
He smiles

Mufasa disappears again

Kion: Alright I'm gonna go back and show Janja what I can do!
He says to himself.

He jumps into the wateringhole and imeadiatley out again.

Kion: Alright Janja let's see if you can handle me this time!
He smirkes

He runs away from the Desertlands and is heading towards the Pridelands


Kion has reached the Pridelands and is ready to fight Janja.

Kion: Hey Janja I know you are here show yourself and fight me!
He yells

Janja appears out of nowhere

Janja: Well well well I thought I kicked you out!
He smirks evlly

Kion: I just needed some time to think. And you know what? It's time to show you the real Kion again. You can do this the easy way and get back to the Outlands or you have to fight against me.
He growls

Janja: Hahaha you don't think I can handle you again? Let's get this over with
He is ready to fight

Kion pounches Janja first. But Janja pins him down with no struggle

Janja: Ha just like last time!
He smiles evilly down to the helpless cub

Kion: You got me again Janja. Just gonna tell you I didn't realise you're nose was THAT big.
He laughs

Janja: My nose is not big! Wait is it?
He says confused

He let's go of Kion without noticing. He touches his nose with his paw.

Janja: Come on it's not that big... Oh uh!

He get's pinned down by Kion

Kion: You really thought I was gonna go easy on you?
He growls

Janja: Acually I... You know what I'm tired so I better get home. Bye!

He runs of to the Outlands

Kion: Aaaand stay out!
He says to himself

He sees that Fuli is nearby and runs towards her.

Kion: Fuli!
He yells

Fuli sees Kion and is running towards him while yelling

Fuli: Kion!

They both pounce at each other and then nuzzles

Fuli: I thought I lost you!
She cries

Kion: It's okay Fuli I'm here and I will never leave you again I promise

He hugs her

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