Janjas secret

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Bunga ran as fast as he could towards the lair and told the Guard what happend.

Fuli: She what? And where is Kion now?

She said frustrated

Bunga: I.... saw.... him.... running.... towards Hakuna Matata Falls.

He said exhausted

Fuli: Well why are we standing here for? Let's find him! Huwezi!

She ran towards Hakuna Matata Falls. The other members of the Guard was behind her trying to keep up.

At Hakuna Matata Falls

Fuli: Come on Kion where are you?

She said to herself worried.

She finally saw Kion but he noticed her and ran away.

Fuli: Kion wait!

She yelled

But Kion didn't listen.

Fuli didn't give up though. She ran as fast as she could and rounded him up.

Kion: Fuli please just leave me alone!

He said with tears in his eyes

Fuli: Kion please I just want to talk to you.

She said calm

Kion: I don't want too. I hate this!. I hate my life! I want to be alone!

He said and ran away again.

Fuli: Okay as you wish

She said sad and then the Guard arrived.

Bunga: Why did you let him get away?

He asked worried

Fuli: He just want to be alone. And if I know him he will be good again sometime.

She sighed

The Guard nodded and then left Fuli

Fuli: Please come back soon my love

She thought


Kion: Stupid life! Stupid everything!

He yelled angry

Then he began to cry again. But he stopped when he heard something.

Kion: Who is there?

He said serious

Janja: Just someone who knows how you feel.

He smirked evilly

Kion: Just go away Janja. I don't want to talk with you.

He said angry

Janja ignored him and sat down next to him.

Janja: Isn't it a beautiful veiw?

He said looking at the sunset

Kion: What?

He said confused at what Janja just said.

Janja: I used to come here when I was a little cub. Just looking at the sunset and let my thoughts fly around in my head.

He said thinking back at the old memories.

Kion: Yes it sure is

He smiled

Janja: You know what?

He said and looked at Kion

Kion: What?

Janja: I don't know how to say this but I haven't always been who I am now.

Kion: Huh?

He said confused

Janja: I haven't always been evil. Once I was just like you. Having a happy life until....

He stopped and a tear rolled down his cheeck.

Janja: Until my mom and dad got trapped under some rocks. And I could hear them say that I should run as far as I could and get some friends to look after me.

He said in a crying voice

Janja: That is not even the worst of all things. Along the way I got bullied of some of the animals in the Outlands.

He hugged Kion and Kion was stunned for a moment. But he joined in shortly after.

Kion: Janja I'm sorry to hear that. I wish I could have done something to help you.

He said calm

Janja: Thank you Kion that means so much to me.

He said and then let go of the hug.

Janja: That is why I have to look like I'm strong and fearless. Because if you don't do that the Outlands. It will break you down immediatly.

He said serious

Kion: I can see what you mean. Maybe we can be friends for real IF you promise me that this is not a trick

He said serious

Janja: I cross my heart and I hope to die!

He assured

Kion: Alright then. Let's try to start over okay?

Janja nodded

The two boys looked at the sunset and fell asleep.

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