you're closest enemy as a friend?

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It's a new day and Kion is up early. Fuli is still asleep and Kion don't want to wake her up. He is trying to go out of the den unseen but in vain.

Fuli: Where are you going?

She says tired

Kion: I was just about to head out if that was okay?

He smiles

Fuli: Where did you exactly want to go?

She says more curious than tired

Kion: Okay I was about to get Ono, Beshte and Bunga so we could begin our morning patrol.

He sighs

Fuli: Don't you forget something? You are exiled remember?

She says kinda confused

Kion: Yes I do remember I just can't let my responsibillity for the Lion Guard and my leadership slide away like that

He says not giving up

Fuli: Well if that is what you really want don't forget me

She smiles

She stretches her body and goes up to Kion. She gives him a nuzzle and then a lick on the cheeck

Kion: Thank you Fuli for helping me

He nuzzles back

Fuli: Hey that is what a couple does. They Stands up for each other no matter what

She says confident

Kion: That's the spirit!

He says happy

Kion: Besides what can go wrong?

He says confident

Twenty minutes later

Kion: Apparently a lot of things can go wrong!

He says nervous

Simba and some lionesses is standing in front of Kion

Kion: Hi dad

He says nervous again

Simba: I thought we had talked about this Kion!

He says dissapointed

Kion: You know I couldn't go away from The Lion Guard as their leader. You need to unxile me dad. The Guard needs me. Without me the Guard can't work together

He tries to sound compelling

Simba: Kion I have already made my choice. And disorbeying my orders dosen't make this easier for me. You are still exiled and that means you can't be in the Pridelands understand?

He says kinda angry

???: Wait hold on a second are you exiled? Like in for real?

A voice is saying from behind Kion. Kion turns around and sees Janja

Kion: Ughhh you are still here? I forgot we trapped you a little while ago.

He says annoyed

Janja: Let me guess you and you're dad argued and you made him mad?

Kion: Now is not the time Janja!

He snaps at him

Janja: Ooh ooh or maybe it's because you and Fuli are together!

He laughs

Kion: Ohhh you are so annoying!

He moans

Janja: I can be a lot more annoying. I'm not even trying. I remember one time I was so annoying that...

He get's cut of by Kion

Kion: If you continue that sentence I'm going to roar you into the Desertlands!

He yells furiously

Janja is then silent

Kion: Okay dad I promise to get out of here as soon I follow Janja home is that okay?

He says serious

Simba: Okay fine but don't come here again okay?

He says serious

Kion nods and takes Janja with him. Simba goes back to Pride Rock with the lionesses

Janja: Kion?

Kion stops

Kion: What is it?
He says kinda frustated

Janja: I didn't think you were exiled in like for real. You can always talk with me about it if you want. Besides after all I have been it all my life so far.

Kion: Wow Janja I never acually thought about that

He says impressed

Janja: Well I kinda figured that out

He laughs a little

Janja: Well it wasn't always like that

He says sad

Kion: What do you mean?

He asks curious

Janja: Well you might not remember but we were not always enemies.

Kion stops fully

Kion: Excuse me WHAT!?

Janja: I'm not lying though. When we were little we the best friends acually

He smiles remebering the memories

Kion: But what happend then?

Janja stops to explain

Janja: Well you see after you began to grow up you're dad didn't like you being around me anymore. Because he thought that I would have a bad influence on you. Then he decided to keep you away from me and told you that every hyena were bad. Every since we were enemies

Kion is speechless

Janja: I just wish we could go back to those days

He sighs

Kion: Maybe we can?

Janja looks Surprised

Janja: What are you thinking exactly?

Kion: Well maybe I could give a visit everyday to get to know you better?

He asks confident

Janja: Yes that would be amazing. I can't wait to tell everyone... No nobodys gotta know this exept me

He says frustrated

Kion: Alright. We can begin tommorow

Janja: I'm going to enjoy that!

He smiles kinda evilly without Kion noticing

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